Coffee, anyone?

Thursday 24 March 2011

Viennese Spring

"For winter's rains and ruins are over,
And all the season of snows and sins;

The days dividing lover and lover,
The light that loses, the night that wins;

And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,

And in green underwood and cover
Blossom by blossom the spring begins."

Quoted from
"Atalanta in Calydon"
by Algernon Charles Swinburne


Farmers' Market
Yppen Square
16th District
© by Merisi


  1. YOU have the skill to "write the light" through every single object or scene you shoot !!!
    Amazing !!!

  2. they seem so happy to pose for you :)

    and you just made my day "colorful".. love to admire flowers..for long long hours..

  3. What captivating colours and shots!

  4. I love the flowers, but these tend to make my allergies flare up!

  5. Blossom by blossom, I like that.

  6. what a lovely poem, I enjoy your picture
    j'ai beaucoup aimé ce poème même si sa compréhension n'est pas exacte et tes photos l'illustre à merveille

  7. Why and how your photos are so different and so beautiful ?! Surely, it isn't only the Viennese Spring ;)

  8. What a beautiful poem and those flowers are stunning.

  9. Thank you,
    thank you for being so kind!

    I am by now living and breathing
    my textbooks. I am getting a little panicky.
    I am waiting for the calm before the storm! ;-)

    Warm regards,

  10. @ n talo:

    This is what Google translatore makes of the poem:

    "Pour les pluies d'hiver et les ruines sont plus,
    Et toute la saison des neiges et des péchés;

    Les jours divisant amant et amante,
    La lumière qui perd, qui gagne la nuit;

    Et le temps est chagrin souvenir oublié,
    Et les gelées sont tués et engendré des fleurs,

    Et en sous-bois vert et la couverture
    Blossom à la fleur d'au printemps commence. "


  11. Oh how I adore Tulips and the green stems are beginning to show on our own. You captured the colours brilliantly~

  12. Gorgeous tulips and a perfect pairing with Swinburne's words!

    I do hope that winter's ruin is past but we're expecting temperatures in the low thirties (F) tonight and my poor little tulips have furled up tight.

  13. This is so beautiful!!! How could I miss this post?!?
    I love tulips! And your colours are so awesome :)

    Kindest regards,

  14. This is so beautiful!!! How could I miss this post?!?
    I love tulips! And your colors are so awesome ;-)

    Kindest regards,

  15. e-translators are hopeless, Merisi!
    Trying a translation which is rough but will give the atmosphere of the poem :

    "Car les pluies et les dommages de l'hiver sont finis,
    Ainsi que toute la saison des neiges et des péchés;
    Les jours vont séparer un amant de l'autre,
    la lumière les faisant se perdre, la nuit se reconquérir;
    Et la mémoire du temps devient l'oubli du chagrin,
    Et dans les sous-bois et les fourrés verts,
    Bouton par bouton le printemps commence."

    Hope this is useful for n-talo.


  16. Oh, how'd I miss these beauties!!? Just luminous--I have such spring fever and you just added to it.

  17. Marie-Noëlle,
    thank you for the translation!
    Merci beaucoup,
    M. xxx

  18. THank you, Merisi, but I have missed a verse in my translation.. It's verse6 !! I've just noticed !!!
    Silly me !!!

  19. Budget permitting, I would have every room of my house filled with those beautiful blooms!


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