Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Viennese Moments
Caught at the Farmers Market

Of the Earth
Root vegetables and wine
Farmers Market
Yppen Square

Junger Österreicher
Young Austrian Wine
Farmers Market
Yppen Square

Mannequin and Samovar Tea Brewer
Arge Rosenauerwald
Farmers Market
Yppen Square

Two Water Glasses
waiting for Caffè Latte

Lost in the World
Empty espresso cup
La Salvia
"Cose buone dal Friuli all'Istria"
Italian Deli and Café
Yppen Square


February 2010
at the Brunnenmarkt
Farmers Market
16th District

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Still life looks so bright and so light and vivid through your eyes (and lens!)
    Beautiful !!!

  2. My eyes, skimming the text of this post, saw "La Saliva"... HA! 8-)

  3. Thank you for saving a place for each of us at this sunny table. The coffee was delicision, and the conversation as bright as the day.

    Merisi, I am so glad to tell you that I checked out a cd from the library of Billy Collins reading some of his poems. It was recorded at a fund-raising event for New York City's public radio station and gave me a great intro to BC's talent. Now, I will have to check out some of the actual books.

    Many thanks to you. xo

  4. Sweetness to this post, it cries sweetness~

  5. Sweetness to this post, it cries sweetness~

  6. love the water glasses shot... the transparency and clarity... fun to see through them, what's on the other side.. lovely :)

  7. On the first picture there is a very interesting composition!


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