Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 15 March 2011

It's Getting Later All The Time
Stopping Time At "Il Tempo"
in Vienna's Josefstadt

Tempus Fugit
The crevice

through which
time flees
can be ameliorated,

even patched,
through the healing powers

of thoughts
put to paper


Images and Text
© by Merisi

"Si sta facendo sempre più tardi"
is one of my favorite books,
written by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi.
Even though the English translation
is "It's getting later all the time",
I was not even thinking of Tabucchi's novel
while I wrote the title of this post.
I was reflecting on how everything stays in flux,
the season, the day, life,
how it is getting later all the time, indeed.

I leave you with
Roman Hofstetter's Andante cantabile,
performed by the Berliner Philharmonic
under Carlos Kleber in 1932.
This music and vinyl disk recording capture
what I tried to put in words a thousand times better.


on a late Sunday afternoon
in October 2010 at
Il Tempo
Café Bistro
Josefstädter Strasse
8th District


  1. LOVE the lighting here!!!
    simply gorgeous!!

  2. Is the man in the third photo writing something? Letter, novel or poem? I love the way he is smiling . . . as if he is cracking himself up.

    I have a little scrap of paper on my desk . . . and it reads: "It's getting later all the time." Also these words from Vita Sackville-West: It is necessary to write if the days are not to slip emptily by." I hope you have a bit more time for reading and quiet contemplation; it sounds like you have been very busy!

    Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my post about Henrietta Garnett. Maybe she was just being provocative, or impatient. Maybe she really DID sleep naked under very warm blankets.

  3. Paris Breakfasts,
    thank you, Carol! :-)

    yes, he was writing and smiling all the time while I was having my coffee. ;-)

    As for Henrietta Garnett, we can only guess!

    Time is still running too fast, but this is my last semester, and the end of June, with due dates starting in May, will come soon enough. Plus the theory exam next week. Yikes! There are times when I ask myself if I am studying photography or physics. ;-)


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