Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Alfresco Lunch
Spring is here, after all

Carpe Diem!
A construction crew near the Burgtheater
took to the roof of an equipment shed
to better enjoy their lunch
in spring-like temperatures

Meierei im Stadtpark
It was still too early
for the Meierei to be open
when I took this picture in
the early morning sunshine.
It was going to be a great day for
lunch at the terrace overlooking
the river Wien.

Early Morning Reader
This gentleman seemed
utterly lost in the headlines:
Who needs a bench to sit down
when tabloids hold your attention like this

while the dog's looking
for squirrels


24 February 2010
© by Merisi


  1. Dear Readers,
    I remember my first spring in Vienna,
    having coffee at outdoor places in February,
    and I was so surprised by it all,
    spring arriving earlier than back
    in Washington, DC.
    This year, spring is late.
    Late as in really late.
    This post of last year,
    the pictures taken a whole months earlier,
    and here we are now in March 2011,
    and only now, suddenly real spring:
    Sunshine for days on end, it seems,
    temperatures climbing into springlike regions,
    me looking up from my desk, into the tree tops
    where a whisper of timid green flashes
    in the morning light.
    Anyway, spring is here!

    I wish you all a wonderful day,
    wherever you are,
    warm regards,

  2. Spring is on time here in France. Along with Nature.
    I've had my lunch out in the garden for 3 days.
    Spotless sky, warm sun, ...
    A bit chilly in the morning though... Shall have to wait before having my breakfasts out !!!
    Happy spring !!!

  3. nice perspectives. especially the gentleman reading paper. also like the subtle backdrop.

    lovely :)

  4. So jealous of your spring. It's a balmy 34 degrees with wet snow here in NY.

  5. Love, love your photo of the early morning reader! So glad you have sunshine to cheer you up - spring really is coming late to northern Europe & the UK this year.

  6. Reassuring shots, Merisi. We've been enjoying the Spring sunshine here, too.

  7. Beautiful! I can feel the sun on those lucky workers.

    We are having warm spring weather here in NC--I'm loving it, before it starts getting steamy hot. I'll take spring any day.

  8. We also wish you a wonderful spring!

  9. Spring is here !! At home ! Come and see it on my blog!!!!!
    See you soon !!!!!

  10. What a lovely day! Dark thunder and hail in these parts today.

  11. Spring is here but as only as a date. Right now, I have about 5 icnhes of snow and sleet

  12. Hope you are enjoying your spring and not working too hard. I would love to see spring in Vienna, but for now I will have to settle for my very warm spring here!

  13. Earlier spring, I missed it too when I lived in Canada. Over there winter dragged on sometimes to mid-May.
    The weather was beautiful in Warsaw yesterday, today it't gray and gloomy. As we say "W marcu, jak w garncu" which means "March weather is like a mix in a pot, sunshine, rain, warm, cold, windy, calm, all mixed in".


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