Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Tea at Café Museum

Tea at the Museum
Café Museum is open once again,
after yet one more renovation

or better yet,
restoration of the 1930s renovation,
designed back then by Josef Zotti,
a student of Josef Hoffmann

It is a bright and spacious
place to relax, read the papers,
meet friends or business partners
or get some work or study done.

Yes, Viennese coffee houses
have arrived in the brave new world
of free internet and electric sockets!

Soft-boiled eggs in the glass
and tea or coffee Melange
and so much more, all still there,
to sustain you all day long
into the night!


Photographed by Merisi
January 2011
Café Museum
Corner of Friedrichstrasse
and Operngasse

Images and Text
Copyright by Merisi


  1. Beautiful, I think I will put the kettle on to boil! I like the reflecions in the globes.

  2. OMG!!!
    That first photo...
    I'm in love...
    and I want to paint it too
    A cafe museum!
    You never sad boo?
    How perfect :)

  3. Wandring Star,
    enjoy your tea! :-)

    Those globes are original, from the 1930s redesign by Zotti. Luckily, they had been stowed away in a storage room and forgotten. They are coated by a special method, which is hard to replicate nowadays.

  4. Paris Breakfasts,
    the Café Museum has a long history. It was originally designed by Adolf Loos in 1899, and hailed as a "starting point for all modern interior design". Its walls where awash in a light soft green, brass accents, bare bulbs hanging from simple brass circles, a spar visual feast together with the red bentwood chairs, also designed by Loos. Viennese were not enthusiastic about that spare look, they took to call it "Café Nihilism",

  5. It´s so quiet and peaceful there...And I like the red couches)

  6. Svet,
    I agree,
    and I also love those soft couches!
    I am dreaming of the day I'll be able to go there and instead of working do something relaxing. ;-)

  7. What a wonderful space - I would want to spend all day there working, reading, drinking coffee ... This is light years away in design, atmosphere and cleanliness from anything in London. You so badly make me want to live in Vienna!

  8. What a beautiful space! And I like the teapot and cup. I see a laptop! Serving soft-boiled eggs in the glass: very interesting.

  9. Karen@PasGrand-Chose:
    Oh, Vienna! I still have morning where I wake up and am surprised I am living here. ;-)
    I can't think of any grimy place, probably because I would not put my foot in there.

    laptops are not a rarity anymore in coffee houses.
    Eggs in a glass are soft-boiled and peeled, very convenient. Café Museum's egg glass has a lid, you can see it in the picture with the laptop.

  10. Perfect! A clean, well-lighted place... and coffee too.

  11. How lovely...a place to crawl into and stay for a long time. The colors and shapes in the photos are marvellous.

  12. Merisi, the Museum Cafe is so lovely, stylish, both then and so very now.

    The Puppenkrapfen are very, very tempting.

    You continue to show us what an exceptional place Vienna is. I know it is a world city and must have many corners that are not very charming, but I continue to love seeing Vienna for Beginners. We could graduate to Intermediates, later, much later.


  13. I simply love the artistic presentation of something as simple as tea and eggs. Beautiful.

  14. Love the white cup on the red saucer. Brilliant.

  15. Merisi... do you buy every cup of coffee that you photograph, or do you tiptoe up to other people's tables and ask to photograph theirs?

  16. Thank you for all your kind comments!

    Yes, of course, I buy what I photograph.
    I remember a few exceptions, a friend's coffee cup for example, and once in Bad Ischl, I asked a lady if she would permit me to take a photo of her coffee because the light was falling onto it in a way that made it irresistible to me.

    The tea was mine too. ;-)

  17. Sigh... how I wish I were there right this instant, feasting on boiled eggs and sipping tea on one of those comfy sofas. :)

  18. Sigh... how I wish I were there right this instant, feasting on boiled eggs and sipping tea on one of those comfy sofas. :)

  19. I AM gonna try to paint your beautiful teapot!!
    Not sure when but it would be a good exercise for me...

  20. Noblenourishment,
    I was there again, yesterday,
    having tea and one egg in a glass
    with one of those tasty rye rolls
    and butter (it was a working session, which always makes me dream even more of a day when I could just go there and read all those papers or do nothing or people watching!).

  21. Paris Breakfasts,
    I can't wait to see that! :-)

  22. What a delightful place!

  23. Even outside the fact that red is my favorite color ... it's fantastic! I wish I could teleport myself there with my journal and my book and have a coffee and pretend I am doing something but just take it all in.


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