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Sunday 30 January 2011

Sunday in the City
Urban Graffiti

a city

where graffiti
and streetart

were not


Sunday Afternoon
30 January 2011
7th District


Copyright by Merisi


  1. Hmmm... interesting concept. I love the visual of this type on the wall with the taggging on the starkness of the wall. If everyone could be this esthetically
    inclined ... ;)

  2. I quite like graffiti in some urban centers. Somehow in this beautiful, old city, it seems so wrong.

  3. Merisi, you are making me wonder about how much graffiti does appear on the clear (if not always dry) walls of Vienna.

    Do you ever look at the blog Spitalfields Life? It is a very interesting ongoing view of a part of London that is both old and new. A street artist Ben Eine has done some amazing things in that part of London.


  4. I love that - 'where every street were awash with a million colours and little phrases' that could be a very intriguing place. . . and 'stop leaning against the wall, it's wet.' (haha!). Of course, it's already beautiful in your captured visual images.

  5. Cobalt Violet,
    I confess that I quite like that "writing on the wall" - street art. I photographed it two weeks ago, when it was still pristine. The scribbles and lines through the text were added in the meantime, too sad.

    I like the text and the beautiful portrait high up on the firewall.

    it's mostly the kind of silly and non-sensical scribbles like the ones written over the text in the pictures here. I know of a few places, down by the rivers for example, where colourful graffiti are on display.

    I liked the text (even though I'd not advocate to scribble all over town), including its tongue in cheek wit. Too bad it got marred by those senseless scribbles (may those are a reminder of what you get when you do as proposed in the text?).

    I wonder if anybody has seen text like this in other places. A friend of mine told me that she knows someone who has been paid to paint such texts.

  6. i walked past the exact wall only recently and liked the writing very much. its such a shame someone has put lines through it :(

  7. A New Girl in Vienna,
    I agree with you, really sad!
    I photographed it when it was still pristine,
    I'll try to post it.

  8. Some graffiti is Art.
    Some isn't.
    And the difference may lie
    In the eye of the beholder.

  9. Vicki,
    I agree!

    I really liked this one, and it truly saddens me that is has been smeared over.

    Interestingly, looking through my files I found a photo taken three weeks earlier and noticed only then that there was a Banksy-reminiscent rat stenciled right under the text, quite witty. Alas, it has been painted over! Who in the world takes the time and energy for that?

  10. I hate graffiti. I was horrified to see it on a wall in Venice, but amused to see a anti-Bush scribble on a wall in Rome (written in Italian of course).


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