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Wednesday 19 January 2011

On the Blue Danube

Vienna International Center
from the Kaisermühlen footbridge
over the New Danube
22nd District

Danube Island
separating Danube and New Danube.
The red-tiled roofs belong to the church
of St. Francis of Assisi in Leopoldstadt

View from the Danube Island

The Empire Bridge connects
Leopoldstadt to Donaustadt
(2nd and 22nd district)


Would you like to listen to
Johann Strauss' "Blue Danube Waltz"?
Click on the post title and enjoy
both the music and incredibly beautiful images
of the Danube river!


12 January 2011
Copyright by Merisi


  1. Dear readers,
    listening to that Youtube link (the one you will land on when clicking on the "Blue Danube" post title), I discovered that it offers way more than only the Blue Danube waltz! Right now, I am listening to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. ;-)
    A wonderful day to all of you,

  2. Hi Merisi,
    I love Strauss Blue Danube waltz!!!
    also, long time ago in Soviet Union there was a very popular song about Danube that I liked and which I'm singing now :) after reading your post.

  3. Are you dancing the Waltz of the Flowers yet?
    I was once a flower in the school performance - you reminded me.
    Those vast blue skies are shatteringly beautiful!
    Perfect setting for beautiful Vienna waltzing...

  4. I like these photographs very much, Merisi. Another interesting departure.

    My great aunt Teresa, born in Hungary, used to swim in the Danube, in the Summertime, after school.

  5. Interesting building with the orange tiled roof.

  6. Irena,
    welcome! I wonder if I'd recognize that song!

    Paris Breakfasts:
    Big sky over that part of the city, isn't there?
    I imagine you as a flower, very fitting, methinks. ;-)

    Martin H,
    if you click on the "Danube" label of this post and then scroll down a little, you'll find a post with people swimming in the Danube. Very popular!

    the terracotta-tiled roofs belong to a church, St. Francis of Assisi, also called the Mexican Church, after the square surrounding it.

  7. The Danube wasn't blue in Budapest. Thanks to you, I've just ordered a copy of '40 days of Musa Dagh'

  8. The design of that first picture is brilliant.

    And...who knew there were modern buildings in Vienna?

  9. Anne,
    it depends on the weather, also in Budapest, I suppose. Grey skies mean grey river, doesn't it?

    Franz Werfel's "The 40 Years of Musa Dagh" is not an easy, but a memorable story. I read it in May 1999 while another tragedy was unfolding, people again fleeing from persecution and death, that time in Kosovo. Not long after I moved to Vienna, i went with a friend up to Schönbrunn's Gloriette and since it was one of those early spring days, all the tables at the cafe' were taken and we shared one with an elderly couple. Turned out that the lady was the daughter of a woman - a girl at the time when the events at the Musa Dagh took place - who were saved by the French. She told me that her grandparents moved to Syria in 1917, but as Christians had to flee again in the 1930s, ending up in Vienna.

  10. Moannie,
    thank you! :-)

    Vienna has its share of modern buildings, some ugly as can be, but also some quite interesting ones.

  11. Spectacular views with gorgeous blue skies.
    (The one time we were in Vienna and I insisted that we take the train to see the Danube, it was frigid cold and gloomy...)

  12. Wow! These remind me of the Dutch Masters and their "big skies." Beautiful, Merisi!

  13. Oh yes I love "Le beau Danube bleu" Ah Johann Strauss ! This makepiece is a wonder for ears, for spirit... Please, a request : Can you show us photographies of the Prater, of die Donau in Wien...
    Liebe Grusse,

  14. Thank you dear sweet blog-friend. Thank you for the recomendation on Smitten Image. I am so honored to be recognized for my simple photography.

  15. Tash,
    I hope the weather gods show mercy on your next visit to Vienna!

    I was out there for a photo shoot and took these pictures while walking to the shoot location (where I almost got thrown into the gelid waters of the Danube by a strong gust of wind).

  16. Nathanaëlle,
    I would love nothing more than go out and shoot pictures of locations where I want to! Unfortunately, for now, on very few occasions can I stroll around in areas I'd like to get to know better or simply take pictures of. I have some Prater images squirreled away somewhere, let's see if I can retrieve them.

    There are quite a few Danube pictures on my blog,
    some of them can be found by clicking the "Danube" label of this post.

    I wished I were able to install a better search engine on the blog, alas, I am a true idiot as far as changing anything on the blog is concerned (and I use still the old format, out of concern that if something happens to the blog while changing to the new format, I would be grief-stricken). Blablabla ... I know, excuses, but not having time for studying the intricacies of blog layout, at least for the next foreseeable months, is simply true.

  17. Photowannabe,
    you are welcome, and:
    Sue, your photography is art!

    Dear readers,
    I invite you to hop over to sunny California and have a look at Sue's photography at her Photowannabe blog!

  18. I do so love that waltz! The one time I was in your beautiful city (many many years ago), I was determined to see the Danube. Walked and walked and walked & came to a wide concrete bridge spanning a brown river! That couldn't be it thought I, and walked on. But it must have been.
    It is so beautiful now, and your pictures are exquisite.

  19. ds,
    so sorry, it happens,
    during high water, spring thaw (Schneeschmelze - snow thaw - isn't that an interesting word building?), after heavy rains, thunderstorms, you name it, those mighty river waters lack the clarity to reflect the blue skies, unfortunately.

  20. I love the first one :D


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