Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Coffee, Anyone?
Cappuccino at Vienna's Café Milano

Coffee near the Strudlhof Steps

A Leaf Fluttered In
through the window this morning,
as if supported by the rays of the sun,
a bird settled on the fire escape,
joy in the task of coffee,
joy accompanied me as I walked.
Anais Nin

Golden Cappuccino
Around the corner
from Strudlhofgasse,
which leads to the Strudlhof Steps
in Vienna's Alsergrund District

Caffé Milano
Währinger Strasse 46
9th District

Copyright by Merisi

It is a repost,
I was there again,
this very afternoon -
after photo shoots at the
Old Danube (so blue today)
and the Strudlhof Steps -
and the cappuccino, in fact,
all espresso drinks,
are incredibly good there.
Not to forget to mention
the waiters are very friendly,
and goodlooking, too,
the coffee cups large
and well filled -
in short, abbondanza
all around!

With warm greetings
to all of you,


  1. Hi Merisi. I did a post today on the Naschmarkt and gave you a little mention. Hope you enjoy. Cheers!

  2. Ahhh...warmth and delicious coffee. How pleasant on a cold day.

  3. What a creative way to serve coffee! I would want to linger before drinking it.

  4. Beautiful and warm on this cold snowy day!

  5. Very nice place indeed, I go there regularly before heading to the sports center on the other side of the little park...

    Anyway keep up this great blog Merisi, always a pleasure to come by !

  6. Why do my eyes instantly read any word on yr blog starting with STR as STRUDEL!?
    as in 'Coffee near the Strudel Steps'
    I nearly bought a piece of strudel in Whole Foods the other day because of you and then decided it was a bad idea..
    How good can strudel be at Whole Foods?
    Who am I kidding?

  7. Philippe,
    merci! :-)
    I really like that place,
    and not only because it makes me feel as if I am in Italy. The coffee is definitely tops. I am inclined to call it Vienna's best right now (Demel, Cafe' Museum, Hawelka, Diglas, Cafe' Markusplatz, among others, all have very good coffee, Milano's is more Italian than Viennese, and I have a weak spot for their true cappuccino).

    Paris Breakfast,
    really good Strudel - not that pretend one, made with factory produced puff pastry, which is an abomination by true Viennese pastry standards, in my humble opinion - is very hard to come by. Only Demel makes true strudel (baking it fresh several times during the day at that), with Cafe'Gloriette's at Schönbrunn a very distant second. Alte Backstube at Lange Gasse in the 8th District makes an interesting old-time version, baked in a casserole. Beyond that, I have not tasted anything acceptable.

    You know what I really miss of Fresh Fields goodies? Their Key Lime Bars, oh yammy, they really know how to capture that Key Lime essence (if you ever come to Vienna, please, one slice, would be sheer heaven). ;-)

  8. (My English is deteriorating, writing "yammy" really is a new low!)

  9. Love the abbondonza all around. The coffee looks marvelous. Wish I had some right now. My coffee at a restaurant this morning wasn't very good at all.

  10. I love your coffee posts...never an issue to repost. Thank you in fact because they are wonderful !! :)

  11. Those look so beautiful--and delicious. I can smell them through the screen, I swear!

    My grandmother made strudel from scratch--it was amazing. I've never had anything that tasted so good elsewhere. She was an amazing cook/baker. None of her foods had recipes written down, though--she had 'em all in her head.

  12. Your coffee posts are always divine, even if reposted.

  13. It's 7 p.m. right now, but after seeing this post, I am craving an espresso! And that's something I should not have at 7 p.m. unless I want to stay up until 3 a.m.


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