Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 5 July 2010

While You Were Sleeping
Sunday Morning in the City

Looking Up
from Kohlmarkt
Grosses Haydn-Haus
and the spire of
St. Michael's Church

Stepping Inside
Demel's pâtissiers
have been working
on sweet dreams

A Few Sunrays
curiously eyeing
around the corner
of Reitschulgasse
and Michaelerplatz

An Early Pigeon
in Sunday finery
wonders about the jamble
of limbs behind her

The Breakfast Table
is set at Hermès

The Lacoste Guys
all dressed up and
ready to bolt
for coffee

poor me,
coffee houses
are still closed!


Sunday Morning
© 2010 by Merisi


  1. What charming cherubic angels!

  2. Love the pigeon! Not sure if he's working on his tan or is somewhat affronted by his neighbors.

  3. When traveling, it's often difficult to find an open cafe on Sunday mo. Didn't think it would be like that in your neck of the woods. Nice pics, especially that early pigeon.

  4. Anonymous05 July, 2010

    I'm glad someone was awake to take this wonderful photo for us. Thank you. ;-)


  5. Margaret Benbow,
    they are charming - and sweet! - indeed! ;-)

    Vicki Lane,
    I think that pigeon was more than a little outraged that I disturbed her (his?) early morning routine. ;-)

    Carolyn Parker,
    there are places that are open that early in the morning, I just happened to want to have my coffee in particular ones. Besides, no one else was around, so I would have been the only customer and seven o'clock really is a bit early to ask, isn't it? ;-)

    sometimes I fall out of bed with a camera in hand at the crack of dawn. I must confess that I love being almost alone out there and observing the city slowly coming out of her dream stage.

  6. Paz,
    rain pelting the open window frame woke me early today (I love rain in the morning, especially when the weather has been as hot as it has been lately). With my first cup of tea in hand I walked to the street side of the apartment and watch the Orange Men actually washing the street! A big orange truck with brushes all around it, Orange Men walking alongside, clearing every last speck of dust - or so it seemed - off the sidewalk. And I don't even live in the center, but out in the 13th, the westernmost edge of town!

  7. Love the photo with the early pigeon

  8. Ha! Coffee houses are never closed in Paris
    You must come!

  9. Lovely images...the breakfast table is gorgeous.


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