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Tuesday, 13 July 2010

A Summer Evening in Hietzing

Evening in Hietzing
I was on my way home

from the local library
when I decided to stop

in a neighbourhood
where tourists
rarely venture

even though these streets
are only a few steps
from Schönbrunn Park

The windows were wide open
and while I was contemplating
about the lucky souls living
in this enchanted place,
I heard a child's voice
calling for her mother,

At 7 o'clock in the evening,
temperature was still at
a sweltering 35°C -
95° Fahrenheit -
even here in the leafy hills
where back in the old times
the Imperial family
spent their summers,
to flee the scorching heat
of the First District.


12 July 2010
Images and text
© 2010 by Merisi


Gavin Plumley
has walked around Hietzing
recently, see his article
here -> Amazed by Hietzing.
He is posting from Vienna
these days,
however, a visit to his extraordinary blog
- click -> Entartete Musik
is always a treat, be it about Vienna
or other topics.


  1. i know yr ahead of us but is it evening there already?
    Very idylic, lyrical pics!

  2. Gosh, I was born in the wrong time period. I could have been the model for the top sculpture.

    (It's been incredibly hot here, too)

  3. I love those window blinds. The weather here is cool and wet.

  4. Einfach wunderschön.
    Ich liebe diese sanften Farben, die schmiedeeisernen Geländer. Rosen sowieso.
    Einen wundervollen Tag mit schönen Augenblicken wünscht Miss Blümchen.

  5. @ Paris Breakfast,
    Carol, I don't know,
    I checked the date, it is the 13th, the time, almost 2pm (hot midsummer afternoon!), so, no, still not evening.

    The pictures in today's post were taken yesterday.

    We are frying eggs on the pavement again.

    I wish you more summery weather, presto!

    Miss Blümchen,
    I lasted for about half an hour, then even all that beauty could not keep me going anymore. Home, cool home, it was, and a cold shower. ;-)

  6. you have a seemingly never ending portfolio of scenery and lucky..

    saz x

  7. Love that fourth picture with the succession of arches! Had to smile at the plump naked lady -- what's she think she's doing up there? -- and giggle at Willow's remark.

  8. @ Saz,
    I owe it to Vicky - her comment yesterday - that I took the camera out yesterday evening. She inspired me to capture the evening shadows.

  9. @ Vicki Lane,
    I like that picture too, even more the building itself!

    That plump naked pediment figure graces the gable of what is known as the Villa Skywa-Primavesi, one of Vienna's grandest private Art Nouveau - Viennese Jugendstil buildings, built just before World War I broke out and changed "the world of yesterday" forever.

  10. You are living in a beautiful block!

  11. I am very touched indeed...

  12. Ola,
    I live in the same district, albeit not on that block!
    That is a very exclusive area, not for regular mortals.

    my pleasure! :-)

  13. Dear readers,
    I now edited the textin the post, to make sure that there are no misunderstandings! I did not mean to imply I live there!

  14. Beautiful details on the buildings...

    But that is much too warm for walking!

  15. Sara,
    I lasted only half an hour or so, and only because the light was so beautiful, then I headed home! ;-)

  16. These images are blissful and oh I love the window image so much, and would love visit those whom are fortunate enough to reside there, lovely post as always~

  17. Wow I did now know it could get so hot in Vienna. You're having Mediterranean temperatures :)

  18. Lovely images....nice job!

  19. Mary Howell Cromer,
    thank you!
    It is an incredibly beautiful home,
    I'd love to visit it too.

    it feels pretty Mediterranean, it does indeed! :-)

  20. beautiful post...

    and thanks for the kind words....
    it means alot


  21. Somehow, I didn't imagine these photos were representing such hot weather--I'm glad to hear we're not the only ones scorching, but these make me think of delightful weather, not hot, sticky days. You've transported me in these photos, anyway!


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