Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Viennese Moments

Blue dress
and white peonies

Shop Window
Yppen Square
16th District


5 June 2010
© 2010 by Merisi


  1. gorgeous! take me there....

  2. Merisi, your photograph seems like a gently touched and carefully conceived painting perfect for a lady's bedroom. The only thing missing is the briefly sketched-in me-looking away while sitting in that white chair. I could be wearing a salmon colored blouse...-or as Kay said just- "take me there!"

  3. I'll take one of each ;-) Absolutely gorgeous, Merisi...something very dreamy about this photo! I love it...peonies are some of my all-time favorites...and what's not to love about a beautiful blue dress...Always lovely here...a breath of refreshment in an otherwise hectic week...your posts bring happiness...and moments of peaceful reflection! I love them all! Love you, Janine XO

  4. Your photo looks good enough to eat, despite an absence of coffee and cake!

  5. Pretty summer colours.. so fresh.

  6. If I get the same camera you have will I automatically take dreamy pictures of Vienna?
    I think not... :(

  7. Whimsical quality to this photo. It's kind of bright but faded at the same time. Not explaining myself too well, I'm sure.

  8. KAY,
    thank you, just follow me! ;-)

    Cynthia Pittmann,
    I love the way you see the image, thank you! -)

    Sniffles and Smiles,
    thank you, I am glad I can carry you off into a calmer realm!

    anything is good that carries us off to where we want to be, wouldn't you agree? ;-)

    Vicky Lane,
    yes, spring giving way to summer! :-)

    the temperatures were high enough to long for cooling colours!

    Martin H,
    thank you!

    Paris Breakfast,
    let me first ask how much I'd get paid if I divulge the maker of my camera! ;-)))

    oh yes, I love the words you found to describe the feeling!
    I like the way the peonies are still so beautiful on the cusp of fading away, like spring giving way to summer, exhausted but still gorgeous on its way out.

  9. I love peonies. They are one of my very favorite flowers. I like the color mix here.

  10. So simple, but blue and white are my idea of perfection.

  11. A wonderful point of view Merisi.


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