Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

A Vienna Minute

Looking up

Walking up

Passing through

Staying put


It so happened
and was captured
within a minute or so
on the morning
of 10 June 2010
in the 7th District
© 2010 by Merisi

Filed under
"10 minutes of shutter time while
waiting for the camera store
to open

For more of those minutes in Vienna,
click -> Viennese Moments
For a ticket to New York
click -> Paz's New York Minute

Fasten your seatbelts
and enjoy! :-)


  1. sharp eyed and beautiful colours, as usual Merisi! Which cafe though? Looks like a cool and relaxing place for a Zipfer on a hot day.

  2. Kurwenal,
    this is the courtyard of the Amerling Beisl - good any time of the day, from coffee to beer! ;-)

  3. I want to be looking out of that window!

  4. With the right eyes, we can catch so very much in a little minute.

    What were you doing in the dusty field in June? Much too early for potatoes.
    Here it is very windy (a big, dead pine tree in our park came down. God felled it so it neither damaged the fences nor the decorative trees.

    ..and a great big hug for you too my friend.

  5. You have such an eye to catch the right moment

  6. Vicki Lane,
    yes, that would be a nice place to call home!

    I was trying to capture a friend's grapevines in bloom and was standing with my tripod on soft, recently turned soil. Even though I took of my shoes off before I walked in the door when I came home, I left puddles of dust. ;-)

    Melanie A.,
    merci! :-)

  7. What fun captures and while you were waiting for the camera store to open, what fun is that, I think so!

  8. The leaves have made a great partnership with the sunlight.

    What marvelous dappling resulted. Thank you, Merisi, for your timely capture of the beauty.


  9. Love your capture of 10 minutes in time. As always I think your shots of windows are spectacular. So simple and stunning at the same time.

  10. Passing through. I like that image and thought best.

  11. So atmospheric...
    I keep saying the same things...
    You are a poet with the camera!

  12. Frances,
    I walked through there again on Sunday morning,
    and it looked so different: An overcast sky took all the magic out that the play of sunlight had created. I did not even bother to try to take a picture.

    windows alone could keep me going for years here!

    Charles Gramlich,
    the double entendre is quite poignant, people from faraway lands, not knowing what their destiny is.

    Paris Breakfasts,
    thank you, Carol! :-)

    Thank you all!

    Blogger does not let me load pictures today,
    I shall say if I can post tonight.

    A wonderful day to all of you,

  13. I love the long braided hair and the beautiful flowing clothing of the "passing through" women!

  14. Dear Merisi - You are a master at capturing the feel of the moment.

  15. Thank you, Sara and Lori Lynn! :-)


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