Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Sweet and Dark

Asparagus Crème Brûlée
with strawberries

Would you like
a cup of espresso
with that?

2 June 2010
© by Merisi


  1. I love how the spoon picked up the reflection of the hanging lights.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Welch eine Versuchung! Traumhaft schöne Bilder!

  4. I would love the recipe for Asparagus Creme Brulee. Is it possible?

  5. Gina,
    according to the waitress, whom I asked about the preparation of this delicately perfumed dish, that pureed white asparagus was added to the regular Crème Brûlée recipe. The white asparagus is locally grown and its flavour is somewhat sweeter than the green one.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments! :-)

    Btw, the small glass was filled with strawberries three ways: strawberry sorbet, pureed strawberries and marinated sliced strawberries. Do I need to say that it was delicious? ;-)

  7. Mmmm! I had asparagus with my meal this evening, but not as yummaceous as your picture looks!

  8. Dear Merisi, you are sweet to get the recipe for me. Unfortunately, we don't grow white asparagus in our part of the world. But it looks like such a delectable idea, I will try it with our wild green asparagus.

  9. Asparagus Creme Brulee, what neat flavor. Those strawberries look so good, wish I had some for my dinner~

  10. Oh the white asparagus season is over here...some in the autumn. Like I need these calories. Still, it is intriguing. Terrific pic, as usual, Merisi.

  11. Asparagus creme brulee! I must try that. I adore creme brulee, both for the taste and creamy texture and for the lovely 'crack' the crust makes when one raps it with a spoon.

  12. Oh, what photos to set my eyes upon at nearly midnight! Dare I have a cup of coffee just before bed? But I would rather have the one in the photo, please.

  13. Yes please! Is the invitation still open?

  14. jeeeez--these lovely images are paintings, Merisi. Beautiful.

  15. Yes, I need it now, and I enjoyed your rain post-- lovely bike reflection and swarovsky shot!

  16. I love asparagus, and I love creme brulee, but the two together? I would taste it though.

  17. Alan,
    fresh white asparagus has a much more delicate, sweeter taste than green one. It really married well with the cream and caramel.

  18. That is a new combination for me. I never thought of Asparagras and Creme' Brulee together.
    Beautifully photographed Merisi.

  19. I love your label:"Coffee anyone?".You know that you can count with me!


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