Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 21 May 2010

Rainy Morning in May

Like Rain it sounded
till it curved

And then
I knew 'twas Wind --

It walked as wet as any Wave
But swept as dry as sand --
When it had pushed itself away
To some remotest Plain

A coming as of Hosts was heard
It filled the Wells, it pleased the Pools
It warbled in the Road --

It pulled the spigot from the Hills
And let the Floods abroad --
It loosened acres, lifted seas
The sites of Centres stirred

Then like Elijah rode away
Upon a Wheel of Cloud.

Poem by Emily Dickinson


early this rainy morning
at the Gemeindewiese
Community Meadow
13th District
© by Merisi


  1. It's a dark and rainy May morning in my little neck of the woods, this morning, as well!

  2. I just made it back to the car in the nick of time, before it started pouring again. It felt good to have done some exercise (Max agrees *woof*) before going back to study. Every now and then, the sky brightens a bit, but the clouds overwhelm the sun again and again.

  3. It's a refreshment just to look at these pictures. Cool green days can be a balm.

  4. Refreshing! Lovely shots to illustrate a beautiful poem (or a lovely poem to underline the beautiful photos). Now, is it time to go for some of those other kind of refreshments somewhere?

  5. Margeret,
    thank you!
    I felt truly refreshed after that damp morning walk!

    can you wait a little while?
    I will try my best to earn a break before night falls! ;-)

  6. Love the poem! We are having a rainy day here in the North Carolina mountains -- and I too took a picture of a clematis bloom with a drop at its tip!

  7. A beautiful poem, and as everyone says, very refreshing :-)

  8. Ah rain ... so cleansing and fresh. Interesting poem.

  9. Nothing more beautiful than a pairing of Merisi's exquisite photography and Emily Dickinson's poetry!! wonderful...Two of my very favorites! Have a wonderful weekend, dear Merisi! Love, Janine XO

  10. So beautiful, Merisi. That first image is a dream.
    I notice you have, as I have, a classic Blogger Template.

    Happy weekend! :-)

  11. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    Ah! Emily. Aaah! Merisi. So lovely, your etheal pictures and her simple, beautiful words.

  12. the leaves, ah the leaves...

  13. So pretty, so delightful, so tender.

  14. Luscious photographs, wonderful poem (I do adore Miss Dickinson).Sometimes a little rain is exactly what is needed.

  15. How beautiful can be rainpictures !!!

  16. MERAVIGLIOSO......cara Merisi...!
    The words of E.Dickinson are a wonderful frame for your excuisite delicate photos of the mai green..!

    Thank you so much for your kind "welcome back"...! I appreciated it very much and your lovely "m'illumino".....!

    Have a sunny and happy sunday!!!!
    ciao ciao elvira

  17. Like a tone poem...
    Whatever that is...

  18. Meresi - you have complimented ED's poem perfectly with your beautiful images. You have such an eye for detail!
    Millie ^_^

  19. Oh my heart-- and how I adore this post. Such pretty pictures so beautifully cropped and presented and ED, doesn't she just thrill you.
    Thanks Maria!!

  20. Thank you all! :-)

    only the next to the last picture has been cropped, the blue flower bud with the raindrop clinging to it. It is out of focus, but I wanted to include it.

    I hardly ever crop any of my pictures, I rather spend the time carefully framing them when I shoot them.

  21. Your photography is always so beautiful and this is especially so. I love the rain and capturing raindrops on flowers and leaves as I did in today's post.


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