Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

The Not At All Tragic Story
Of Two Lilies Behind Bars

It was an April in May
sort of morning:
A thunderstorm had just passed
over the land and the sky was
still dark even after the rain had stopped.
Two rather sad
looking lilies sat
behind bars
and had nothing
to smile about

walked by,
with Maxie in tow,
stopped to snap a picture,
then had coffee in that hidden courtyard
behind the bakery
down the street

Another April in May thunderstorm
had just emptied the heavens
over the lily garden
when Merisi made it up the hill,
just in time to catch
the very same lilies
smiling in the sunshine


Part II
Later in the day,
around 3pm Vienna Time
It Must Be Iris!
When The Story Turns

Almost Tragic, After All

Is there a
Lily in the picture or an Iris?

I see this
and think
and translate
"Lily!" -
I feel as if I am sitting
in the middle of a stinging nettle batch
patch, Lilies or Iris laughing out loud
about so much lilyirisness!

Merci beaucoup to
Carol of Paris Breakfast
for pointing out my erring ways
and for giving me an opportunity
to add another lily-Iris image
to this virtual garden conundrum!


Images and Text -
Right or Wrong! -
© by Merisi


  1. Merisi was shlepping her books up the hill,
    walking Maxie and sitting down for coffee,
    studying. All so that her little doggie could roam in that beautiful courtyard instead of having to sit under her desk at home. What an unselfish girl that Merisi is, isn't she?

    I wish you all a wonderful day, with a chance to relax or work at least for a little while in a beautiful outdoor spot!

  2. The blue-green of that fence sets off the lavender to perfection!

    And what a noble one you are to sacrifice so for your little dog!

  3. Vicky Lane,
    oh yes, thank you, "noble" - exactly, that's it!

  4. Ahem...I have to say those look an awful lot like IRISES to moi..
    But then what do I know.
    Your cups of coffee could drive one to wrack and ruin.
    Even in New York Demel...the light IS NOT THE SAME!!

  5. I am happy to report that today's post has caused me to search out what the much used expression 'in tow' means.
    To draw or pull behind by a chain or line: a tugboat towing a barge.
    And if anyone wants to know how to pronounce it go HERE!

  6. Paris Breakfasts:
    Oh my goodness, yes, Carol, you are absolutely right about these flowers being called Iris! I seem to be unable to remember that the French fleur-de-lis is not a Lily but an Iris (not that I have ever understood why and there may be the reason why my brain is throwing me off track).

    Writing this, a not so old story comes to my mind:
    A friend of mine in Tuscany lives on Iris Street, When I went to visit her for the first time, I could not find the street and asked a local who did not know either. Mercifully, the village my friend lives in is not too large and at the end I found her house. On Iris Street. Only then did I realize I had been asking around for "Giglio" (Lily) Street. No one had made the connection, least of them me. ;-)

  7. Paris Breakfasts:
    Carol, would you believe that I hesitated a moment before using the word "Tow" - then, I let it roll off my fingertips. After all, there are times when my dog and me are pulling each other, the one or the other. ;-)

  8. I just stopped in to say, uh oh, but then Carol beat me to it. Still very entertaining, Merisi.

    (Spent much too much of lifetime the etymology, history of lilies, naming a child & a cat (!) 'lily' ...)


  9. Susan! *giggles*

    I still can't understand why an Iris can't be called a Lily. *pouts and runs away*

  10. Hi Merisi... fleur-de-lis is a stylized Lily,( in French , fleur means flower, and lis means Lily) or Iris ..

  11. Oh that's funny, must had a coffee overload that day.


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