Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

The Not At All Tragic Story
Of Two Lilies Behind Bars
Part II: Or So I Thought!

Part II
of the formerly called
"The Not At All Tragic Story
Of Two Lilies Iris Behind Bars"

Later in the day,
around 3pm Vienna Time

It Must Be Iris!
When The Story Turns

Almost Tragic, After All

Is there a
Lily in the picture or an Iris?

I see this
and think
and translate
"Lily!" -

I feel as if I am sitting
in the middle of a stinging nettle batch
patch, Lilies or Iris laughing out loud
about so much lilyirisness!

Merci beaucoup to
Carol of Paris Breakfast
for pointing out my erring ways
and for giving me an opportunity
to add another lily-Iris image
to this virtual garden conundrum!


Images and Text -
Right or Wrong! -
© by Merisi


  1. The irises in our yard are, I'm afraid, having a tragic story after a disastrous replanting attempt. I'm happy to be rewarded with a vision of some Viennese beauties, be they lilies or irises (or even "flags" as they're sometimes called here). Virtual gardening is what I'm best at, if you'd like to visit my "garden."

  2. It looks like the most brilliant purple iris to me...absolutely stunning. I must find some eyeshadown in this color!

  3. Purple is very close to my favorite color. Sometimes I prefer red but then I see purple and renew my vows.

  4. I believe a botanist would call it an Iris, but who cares with such a gorgeous picture and moment you have captured :-)
    Thank you!

  5. Anonymous26 May, 2010

    This is such a fascinating post.
    I hadn't really seen the resemblance before.
    Irises are amongst my favorite flowers....
    and of course the peonies just about now.
    93'F today in New York!

  6. So bright and beautiful! Wonderful post, Merisi.
    If you wish to have a look, I also have some flowers in my blog!
    Enjoy a good evening :-)

  7. Purple Iris are some of my favorites...and I wait with anticipation their bloom each year! So gorgeous! And as usual, your photos do NOT disappoint. And I love the fleur de lis connection! You are fabulous! Love, Janine XO

  8. My neigbor has a garden full. I'm so tempted to pick just one little lovely....

  9. I love irisis! Great shoot, as always


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