Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Morning in the City

Early Morning
on the sunny side
of the street

Abandoned Remains
of a former opticians's storefront
rest still in the shade
but for a few stray sunbeams
exploring the top of the façade

Construction Workers
installing intercoms
where once an old wrought-iron gate
welcomed customers
to a farmers' market
under a spreading chestnut tree -
gone now

White Poplar Trees
guard a secret passage
through shady gardens

A Red Rose
strains towards the light
waiting for the sun
to evaporate
the dew drops

A Blue Iris
trapped within her cage
dreams of her prince


25 May 2010
in Vienna's
13th District


Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Shame that no-one could take over the little shop... the sun is saying let me in !

    I love the way you start the day, it makes me smile :-)

  2. Anne,
    glad you liked my little morning walk!
    Thanks to Maxie, my dachshund, do I get to see the outside world a couple times a day, welcome break from studying.

  3. What a lovely IRIS! :)
    Morning in the city...
    as opposed to SEX and the city, which we've been deluged with of late.
    I'll take YOUR city anyday!

  4. Beautiful -- the little window in the sunlight seems to have a story to tell . . . and I'm still smitten by the color combination of lavender iris and blue-green cage!

  5. Paris Breakfast,
    I am sure there's sex in this city, yet no one feels the need to talk much about it. We can always go back and read Schnitzler! ;-)

    Vicki Lane,
    verdigris and this blue-green are both very typical for Vienna, in my mind, at least. I love them both.

  6. I swear, your air is clearer than ours. Maybe it's just our stinking Midwestern humidity?

  7. What a beautiful way to start my day! Thank you for all these beautiful moments you've captured on film, Merisi. I am in awe of your lovely captions!

  8. The trees and flowers make the abandoned buildings look very ratty. Gotta love nature. She dresses so nicely.

  9. Sex in the city? Oh, go on, please talkabout it ;-)

  10. the abandoned shop picture looks like a painting...lovely work!

  11. Just spent a lovely time reviewing all your recent posts. You're such a breath of fresh air. Thanks for all the beauty!

  12. What a nice walk you had and the little shoppe that is all shut down, what a nice little place it could be for someone to do something with, it has quite the charm. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Oh and by the way, my main computer bit the dust and I am just getting oriented to this one, still plan to visit the blog you shared with me~

  13. Hello Merisi,
    Happy Spring!
    Lovely sunlight in your part of the world~
    Pretty Iris.

  14. I love the first picture!You always see beautiful details

  15. Morning stroll through the city - capturing beauty in the faint morning light. The workers unaware, trapped in the lens of camera of someone dear. Happy Friday!


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