Coffee, anyone?

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Under the Lilacs

The Lilacs
are blooming again!

Early Afternoon
at the fence between
Heldenplatz and Volksgarten

White Lilacs
unable to contain themselves,
reaching through the iron fence.

seeking shade -
or are they bathing
in the heady fragrance emanating
from the lilac blossoms?

An Ode to Spring
"Life-glowing season ! odour-breathing Spring!
Deck'd in cerulean splendours !–vivid,–warm,
Shedding soft lustre on the rosy hours,
And calling forth their beauties! balmy Spring!
Mary Darby Robinson

Photographed by Merisi
Wednesday, April 16, 2009
in the

"Under the Lilacs"
"Under the Lilacs"
is the title of a work
by Louisa May Alcott

The poem "An Ode to Spring,"
by Mary Darby Robinson,
can be read in its entirety
at the digital library of the
University of Pennsylvania.
Click on the fountain image
to reach the page

And yes,
all the other images
are clickable too, more spring!
Enjoy! :-)


  1. Merisi, how I do love lilacs, all colors, just that scent! Even if lilacs might have to answer for their status at chief pollen distributor and sneeze provider (for me, perhaps not for others.)

    You probably know of the lilac walk at the north end of Central Park's sheep's meadow. If today's chill and rain leaves town by Wednesday, I will try to get over there with my camera (and handkerchief) and see how the blooms are progressing.

    Best wishes. xo

  2. Oh Merisi I adore the lilacs peeping through the fence!

  3. Hi Merisi,

    Thanks for popping by, I had a lovely morning in Vienna, thanks to you.

    I chose the cozy corner and had two coffees and a pastry!

  4. Gorgeous. You live in such a beautiful city.

  5. My lilacs are blooming, too. I need to get some pics!

  6. Merisi, As a child I remember loving all the lilacs anymore though they make me sneeze.
    Thak you for visiting my site (the Outskirts of Suburbia) you had questioned the homemade helicopter I said that I had seen. Well I posted a picture of the fool in the machine for you to see that, Yes, it is real.
    Thanks again, Haney

  7. Oh! The white and purple lilacs are blooming outside my window too, here in Minnesota!
    We can smell the same scents, though on different continents.

  8. Spring knows no bounds, and you have captured it perfectly.

  9. What beauty. Those lilacs are superb.

  10. Hello Merisi! What beautiful pictures you have shared! I don't have a Lilac but I need to get one as I do love them! So glad you are enjoying Spring! XOXO

  11. Dearest Merisi,
    I love lilacs so, so much! I very rarely saw them in Washington and they were too expensive to buy. But here in my new yard in Maine, there are three lilac bushes behind the house! I cannot wait for them to flower (They blossom much, much later here.) As always, thank you so much for posting such beautiful photos to enjoy while I anticipate the arrival of my own!

    Wishing you a wonderful day,


  12. Lovely! I think I'm going to have to find a place for a white lilac!

  13. Love the lilacs! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Das wird es werden! Weißer Flieder! Mein Garten (klein bis winzig) ist ziemlich kahl und ich bin leider so gar nicht gut darin Garten zu planen. Aber Flieder ist immer gut!

  15. Love lilacs .... yours look beautiful

  16. Love these pics! So romantically caught!


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