Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 26 April 2010

Sunday Afternoon in the City

Sunday After Noon
Angels never sleep
Church of the Nine Choirs of Angels
Kirche am Hof

Closed Balcony Doors
Someone taking 40 winks?

Madonna of the Sink
Madonna's busy washing dishes!
Dolce e Gabana

Solo After Lunch
Violin player

Walking the Dog
Church of the Nine Choirs of Angels

Coffee After Lunch
Café Julius Meinl
Graben Square


25 April 2010
Images and text
© by Merisi


Regarding the Dolce & Gabbana
ad campaign with Madonna, here are the links:
--> Dolce e Gabbana website
Click on the image in the upper left corner -
Ms. Domesticat herself -
from there, clicking on the images
will lead you through the photo gallery
of the Campagna Pubblicitaria
and - once you are through the set -
on to "indietro"/"backstage" scenes.
Enjoy! :-)


  1. Hey MADONNA is washing dishes in NYC TOO!!!
    What;s up with that?
    That gal gets arounddddddd
    Love the architecture shots!!
    so crisp and clean the air too

  2. Always so lovely...with a touch of wit thrown in for good measure! I loved this! How do you do it? You constantly amaze me with your never ending captures of extraordinary subjects and beauty! I love the black outlines of the church's white plaster...striking! Have a wonderful Monday, dear've just added much beauty to mine! ~Janine XO

  3. Do you think Madonna washes dishes? She probably has, I guess. She wasn't always famous.

  4. @ Paris Breakfasts:
    Carol, this is the new Dolce e Gabbana campaign!
    I really love this picture: Even though we all know that it is posed, it still gives the impression that Madonna knows how to rinse a plate, with a tongue in cheek sense of humor to boost. There are at least two more photos in this series: one, where she is sitting at a table eating an orange (in which she looks out of place and one longs for Sophia Loren or Anna Magnani instead), and another one where she is supposed to splurge on a plate of spaghetti, but comes away as if she were picking one lone spaghetto, looking stupid (sorry, Madonna).

    Anyhow, I love the Madonna of the Sink, made so much more appealing by the obvious twinkle in the eye with which this one was composed.

    Clicking on the image will enbiggiate it. ;-)

    @ Sniffles and Smiles,
    that is so very lovely that you feel that I have added something to your day, I always the same with your comments and your blog posts! It is especially lovely because I am having serious doubts about the whole blogging business and in consequence it has become harder and harder to come up with new ideas, and quick at that, time being scarcer than ever. Thank you! :-)

  5. @ Charles Gramlich:
    I do believe she knows how to wash dishes.
    How often, that's another question.
    She definitely spends more time at the gym. ;-)
    (Hey kids, clear the table and rinse the dishes, mummy needs to go to the gym!)

  6. Ha!a!rhof mit zwei "aa". ;-)

    Haarhof - Hier fand einst ein reger Handel mit Flachs (Haar genannt) statt.

    Liebe Grüße!

  7. Danke, Entegutallesgut! :-)
    Irgendwie war ich in dem Glauben, dass Haarhof auf dem Nummernschild über der Haustür von Nr. 4 nur mit einem "a" geschrieben stand. Ich habe jenes Foto, auf das ich mich erinnern konnte, vor 3 Jahren gemacht, damals auch richtig "Haarhof" geschrieben. Keine Ahnung, warum sich das Wort dennoch fehlerhaft in meinem Gedächtnis eingebrannt hat.

    Lieben Dank für den Hinweis!


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