Coffee, anyone?

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Postcards from Rome:
Colour and Light

Rose Rosse e Tulipani
Red roses and tulips
Gracing a restaurant table
at Rome's prettiest little piazza.
Piazza S. Ignazio

My Favorite Corner
One of the world's most beautiful city squares,
Michelangelo's Piazza del Campidoglio.
Roman Capitol Hill

Arance Tarocco di Sicilia
Tarocco oranges from Sicily
Unequalled flavour.
Campo de' Fiori

Checkered Tablecloth

Yes, this is Rome too.
between the Pantheon
and Fontana di Trevi.

The Colours of Rome
Sunlight caressing a brick-red façade
and a large green leaf.
Trastevere Quarter

Alfresco Romano
On top of the Spanish Steps,
from a restaurant terrace
diagonally opposite Villa Medici,
spectacular rooftop views
and enjoyng a Roman meal.
Piazza Trinità dei Monti


My Rome
Photographed March 2009

© by Merisi


All pictures are "clickable".
The first and the last image
- when clicked upon -
offer each a scene
from the movie "Big Night":
In case you are hungry,
make sure to have food nearby,
a multi-course authentic Italian dinner
is being served

If you are interested in the "Colours of Rome"
I recommend Marcella Morlacchi's articles
in the magazine "Roma ieri, oggi e domani",
published between 1988 and 1991
by Newton Compton Publishers, Rome.


  1. The brilliant colours of the florals, the fruit along with the simple and yet soothing backgrounds lend themselves well for a great presentation. I have been out of the loop, due to an eye problem all week, have greatly missed viewing your entries. Have a wonderful weekend~

  2. This has got to be one of my all-time favorite posts!! The colors and light are so paintings from the old masters! Phenomenal! Love, Janine XO

  3. Beautiful!

    I loved the film BIG NIGHT.

  4. Such beautiful make me want to pack up and leave for Rome immediately, xv.

  5. What wonderful impressions this morning, thank you for this unexpected pleasure to walk through your memories. Your favorite corner I would like to share with you.

    Einen traumhaften Monat Mai für Dich,


  6. This is not only beautiful, it is also quite painterly your roses and tulips. I can almost taste the colour. So vibrant and powerful.
    Happy weekend to you! X

  7. It looks blissful. Such warmth.

    The tulips make me a bit sad, though. I came back to England and discovered that the deer had eaten all my tulips (dozens and dozens) except one!

  8. I can't wait to purchase about twenty arance tarocco when I get to Italy! That photo made me salivate!

  9. Such brilliant and hot colours.. beautiful.

  10. Beautiful photos, beautiful place!

  11. Piazza del Campidoglio is also one of my favorite places in Rome. A wonderful space to absorb the magic of the Eternal City.

  12. Hi Merissi, I must say that I really enjoy your blog. I always say that this is where I come for my fix of culture and refinement.
    Your favourite corner was also one of the pictures that jumped out at me. Great shots all around as usual. All the best.

  13. what a cool post! Looks a really neat area - I can see why you like it!


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