Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 15 March 2010

Reading the Morning Paper Elsewhere:
Venetian Headlines

Sunday Morning Outlook
The Laundry's Been
Hung Out to Dry!

The Sky is Blue
Le Putte di Antonio Vivaldi
Are Playing at the
Banchina di San Basegio

Tables are Set
For an Early Lunch,
Yet No One is Ready to Sit Down.

Exercise in Reading
Venetians are Busy,
Doing Their Part!

Reading the Venetian Way
Standing Up.
A Little Walking
While Turning the Page

Busy Reading
And Enjoying the Sunshine!

Deep in the Pages
Of Sunday's Paper!

Joining the Sunday Rite!

Trying to Fit in
Reading both inside
And in front of
Caffè Quadri in
Piazza San Marco!

The Rebel
"Caffè Reader"
There's Always an
Exception to the Rule!

The Bibliophile Gondoliere
Reading Outside the Box Gondola
Acqua Alta

Reading the Sunday Morning Paper
With a Cappuccino
at Le Zattere.

Lunchtime's Approaching
Gelateria Paolin
Campo Santo Stefano

How Many Readers
did you spot
in front of
Gelateria Paolin?

in Venice
February 2008
Images and Text
© 2010 by Merisi


  1. For some odd reason, I love pictures of people reading.

  2. Juju,
    isn't it interesting how many people read in public?
    I am always comforted by the sight of somebody engrossed with a book or newspaper.

  3. Hello Merisi.

    Yes, there is something, perhaps rare nowadays, about seeing someone reading something that has been printed on paper. Reading something that does not require batteries!

    Thank you for these great views of beautiful Venice. xo

  4. Very evocative of life in Venice :-)

  5. I adore the backstreets of Venice. The laundry at the windows is a favorite sight -- took me back at once!

  6. I love reading the papers ever since I was a child. Lovely pictures!
    (Any suggestions on Rome? or Naples? :))

  7. Cool shots of people. I love how the gondoliers are all bundled up. I have always visited in summer. It's time for a visit during a different season.

  8. I carry a book with me now, one thing I learnt when in Paris :-)

    I go to coffee shops here that have the newspapers .. good when you are on your own. I think I need to be sitting outside Gelateria Paolin too!

    Love the covers on the line..very colourful.

  9. Yes yes yes, your blog is just soooo wonderful and gives me a lot of energy!

    A footprint from Sweden by Agneta

  10. I walk and read too. This morning I read about 30 pages of a book while stopped in a traffic jam

  11. Oh, to be in Venice!!!! Love the laundry pic. My step-daughter is there right now too..... so envious : )

  12. Ah, la Serenissima. I read in public all the time & people come up & ask me: what are you reading. I think that's funny. It is not so rare, right? Anyway, lovely as always, Merisi.


  13. such a nice treat for a post! thank you !! looks wonderful !!

  14. mi fai sempre venire la voglia di tornarci. e poi con queste giornate di sole così belle !!!!


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