Coffee, anyone?

Saturday, 27 March 2010

One Last Espresso

One Last Espresso
Closing time at
Kohlmarkt 14


26 March 2010
© by Merisi


  1. Somehow I managed to turn it into a black and white photo, from the yellowed image my little Lumix had captured last night (a feat I was not able to repeat - me and technology! *grin*).

    A heartfelt thank you to all of you who still have not given up visiting and even commenting, even though I have had very little time for visiting you in return. I do read each and every comment, even if you do not find I returned the favor. It is not lack of caring, but an honest lack of time.

    A wonderful weekend to all of you,

  2. Merisi, have you ever been the one to order the "first" coffee of the day at Demel's?

    That final cup surely does stand as an iconic image. Don't worry about writing comments ... your photos certainly keep the conversation going! xo

  3. Understood, re comments. I'll still be here for the pictures!

  4. Frances,
    Sunday morning, after an early morning walk, I have been lucky enough to be at Demel's at the 10am opening time. I enjoy the quiet, with the Demelinerinnen finishing their prep work, arranging everything just so, tying one last perfect bow.

    Yesterday, I was on my way to meet friends, whom I know from back in Washington, to visit a theater performance together. One of that old group is directing a play here now. It's a small world, and afterwards we were talking how so often it is even less than those six degrees of separation, the way we relate to some of our friends. I could tell the most unbelievable stories.

    Francis, you should give yourself the gift of having a leisurely Sunday breakfast in a quiet corner at the Plaza Demel's: From what I have heard, it is a wonderful experience even there. The young sons of the owner may still be working there (their father is an entrepreneur extraordinaire).

  5. Thank you, Vicki Lane! :-)

  6. Merisi, I always always enjoy your posts, even when I don't have time to comment.

    Happy weekend right back.

  7. Never mind the comments; it's the pictures, and the way you string them together--sometimes with words, sometimes without--that bring me back. Also the craving to see in that way, to travel in that way, to live in that way. But not the last espresso! Noooo....

  8. I can bet it won't be the last Espresso.;)

  9. Wonderful shot. I love the simplicity.


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