Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

We Now Do Sweet And Cloying

We Now Do Sweet And Cloying!
He's sweet, isn't he?
After all, he is all
sugar and spice almonds.
Rose water too - but don't tell him, please!
Saint Francis, in his younger days,
wouldn't you agree

Paper-Doily Origami
Clouds like handmade lace

Merriam-Webster says
this word dates back to 1956:
Whatever happened back then?
All I know is this:
Pleeease, not this angel
in my stocking!

More Origami
paper doily clouds

Hot Dog Stand
How many Wiener Würstl
do the Viennese eat in the course
of a year?

Well, the answer is ...
n o n e !
WienerViennese don't eat their own,
they snack on Frankfurters instead.
With sweet mustard or Dijon,
hold the ketchup -
the right antidote to all
that cloying sweetness above

Images and Text
© by Merisi
who may have had too much
raw cookie dough


Santa with the meringue kisses
was photographed at
Demel's -
all other images,
well, I ... forget. ;-)


  1. Too much cooking dough? More like too much cooking sherry I would guess!
    Gorgeous Christmas pictures. Merry Christmas Merisi!

  2. Oh, dear...I think I've just gained 5 pounds reading your post!!!! LOL...Fabulous photos, as always...I'm intrigued by the doily origami!!! What a creative use for pretty!!! Your post simply glitters...proving that your post is pure gold!!!!!!! And you've treated us to your delightful humor! "...who may have had too much
    raw cookie dough"...sounds like me ;-) Perhaps a glass of wine will chase the sweet away ;-) Love you much!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours, dearest Merisi!!! ~Janine XO

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Of course I love that paper doily clouds! I love origami! :-)

    Have a merisi christmas! ;-)

    Hugs to one of my favorites!!!

  5. What an incredibly elegant hot dog stand!

  6. Sugar/almond angel boy looks delicious. Though think I;d rather have a frankfurter instead.

    Happy holidays, Merisi!

  7. Thank you all for your visit and kind comments and wishes! These days, I only manage to post, but I am looking forward to the time "zwischen den Jahren" (between the years, as the Germans call the period between Christmas and New Year's day), when I will be able to take the time and visit you all!
    Merry Christmas,
    happy holidays,
    wherever you are,

  8. Merry Christmas, Merisi! Thank you for the gifts of your photos and words.


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