Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Vienna By Night

Dusk Becomes Night
and stars illuminate
the darkness, when

The Queen Of The Night
appears with a Magic Flute,
looking for Tamino

The Queen,
lost in Swarovsky's new flagship store
calms her nerves by singing to herself,
"Oh, zittre nicht!"

A Sparkling Crystal Tree
appears in Tamino's stead,
causing the Queen
to lose her temper

At the end,
she sets out to return
to her reign in the night sky,
singing coloraturas
in eternity.


The outfit of the window mannequin
reminded me of Edita Gruberova's
in her 1981 performance as
Queen of the Night
at the Vienna State Opera
(clicking on the second link
embedded under the images
shows Gruberova performing
in that costume).
May I be pardoned
for the silly little story
it inspired!


Stars photographed at Seilergasse,
all other images at
the Swarovsky store
at Kärntner Strasse 24

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Merisi,
    ich wollte Dir nur schell ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest wuenschen.
    Bei uns ist Hochbetrieb mit Geburtstag und Familie (5) aus der Ferne.

    Wien hat sich ja wunderbar geschmueck fuer die Festtage.

    Ich wuensche Dir ein frohes friedvolles Fest und Gesundheit und Frohninn im kommenden Jahr.

    Alles Liebe, Arija

  2. It's all so enchanting. Have a wonderful Christmastime in Vienna, Merisi!

  3. Sparkly indeed
    and very lovely

  4. A beautifully integated composition of pictures and words.

  5. these pictures are so rich and opulent. lovely!!!

  6. Oh, wowowowow! These are magical! Excellent, with your wonderful lines to accompany them all. Merry Christmas indeed!

  7. You are a maker of magic, Merisi.

    Merry Christmas to you.

  8. This is something I miss about Christmas in Italy and generally in Europe: the streets decorated with lights. Very nice post, as usual.

  9. Sparkle plenty!
    Topless babes in Toyland..
    Who'd a thunk it?


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