Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 31 December 2009

New Year's Eve

“New Year's eve is like every other night;
there is no pause in the march of the universe,

no breathless moment of silence among created things
that the passage of another twelve months may be noted;

and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights”
Hamilton Wright Mabie


Sunset Over Vienna
high over Parkring
31 December 2009
© by Merisi 2009


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  1. So lovely. Happy New Year :)

  2. Merisi, you are a gift to all who visit your site every single day of the year.

    I will come back to see these New Year's views tomorrow ... and know that more comments will be left.

    For now ... Happy New Year! ox

  3. Great photos, and definitely great thoughts to be said.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Wish you a happy and joyful 2010 like every other year! :-)

  5. Oh, those blues and pinks! And the serenity of the scene! May it be a good omen for the coming year!

    Happy New Year, Merisi!

  6. A Happy New Year to you, Merisi! That we may see many more coffee shops in Vienna:)

  7. One of the best memories of 2009 is our visit to Vienna! Thank you for making it so memorable.

    May 2010 be a joyous New Year for you and your family!

  8. Ideal words for this moment.

    Sending you much love across the miles and hours, Merisi.

    OX - Maia & QQ

  9. I could sit and gaze at that first shot for several minutes, Merisi.

    Great work.

    All the very best for 2010.

  10. Beautiful pictures of contrasts. Thanks and Happy New Year.

  11. The photos are so beautiful.

    Happy New Year.

  12. Beautiful photos, I love the colors in the first shot. Very pretty.

    Happy New Years to you and yours.

  13. A beautiful poem to go with your lovely sunrise/sunset photos. Happy New Year, Merisi!

  14. I love the colours in the sky!! And I was amused to see the satelite dishes in juxtaposition with the ancient buildings!! In Canada, an old building is anything over 50 years, so different from Vienna!

  15. Amazing buildings, history and culture! Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  16. What a marvelous and beautiful post, Merisi! The skies are incredible, lovely colors! And what an amazing and beautiful place! And wonderful, wise words. Wishing you and yours love and joy and beauty and prosperity in the coming year. Happy, Happy New Year! Thank you as always for your visits to my blog and your kind comments! Enjoy!


  17. So beautiful! May your New Year be beautiful as well as happy!

  18. Incredibly beautiful as usual but even if I'm no more a beginner at MVFB, I'm still dazzled by your Vienna!
    Very happy new year Merisi!Best wishes to you and your family!

  19. Hi Merisi, I have been out of circulation for a while and it has been a treat to browse through your site again. I always say that this is where I come for my fix of culture. Definitely more so after the ruggedness of Lesotho.
    Thanks for your visit and I hope you have a really great 2010

  20. Beautiful skies and captures!


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