Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Summer's Lease Hath All Too Short A Date

Sunset at Lake Neusiedl


Photographed by Merisi
29 September 2008
the same image
could have been shot on
the 7th of October, 2009,
a day of record breaking temperatures
for the month of October!


  1. I posted this old pictures again because I am experiencing serious trouble with my new MacBook - my archives keep disappearing. Methinks I should have bought a MacBook for Beginners!!!!! ;-)

    A wonderful day to all of you!

  2. P.S.:
    Clicking on the pictures will not enlarge them, but take you to other summery places - enjoy! :-)

  3. Gosh...sort it out Merisi, can't bear the thought of your work disappearing.

    Lovely pictures, thank you.

  4. Merisi, lovely to see that vintage warmth!

    We are definitely into sweaters and scarves over here.

    Hoping that you and your Mac soon combine forces.


  5. these picture absolutely shout SUMMER! lovely...

  6. Lovely. They almost look like my home state: Florida.

  7. Beautiful sunsets! And may you and your MacBook reach an agreement soon!

  8. @ Moannie,
    you are welcome! :-)

    I have had the E-doctor here -
    fortunately a friend -
    and the good news is that my MacBook is not at fault here. The bad news is that my Lacie external hard drive is not working anymore - and with it thousands of my pictures. What makes it extremely hard to swallow is that these are images from travels over the last year.

    do not trust external hard drives,
    not even a so-called quality one
    (I paid extra Euros to get the brand name!).

    At least I have the pictures I used for my blog,
    albeit inferior quality ones than the originals.
    I have to thank all of you for your encouragement,
    otherwise I would have stopped blogging long ago and would not even have these pictures.
    Merci! :-)

  9. Merisi, I do not like that bad news one little bit.

    Your photography is so richly full of beauty and wit. To think that some of these images might have been lost is pretty tough to take in.

    I so hope that the archival wealth will be recovered and taken to a very safe vault.

    Meanwhile, this fan also wishes that your eye and your camera will continue to capture the sights that delight us.


  10. Oh,I hope you can recover your archive soon. That is a terrible loss (and feeling of violation, no doubt). Thank you for these, however.They make me miss summer.

  11. So sorry Merisi - hope there is a way to at least retrieve part of your photos!!
    Strange those bursts of heat popping up in different areas around the globe - unusual!

  12. Awesome sunsets..just gorgeous!!

  13. I'm also missing summer already!


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