Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Tuesday With Sparrow

A Cup Of Coffee
A silvery tray,
a glass of water
and a spoon

A Sparrow
Watching me!

A Sparrow!
Doing her Sparrow thing?

A Sparrow

A Sparrow
Hopping Closer!

Photographed by Merisi
this very afternoon

that bold bird

her lemon meringue tart
under shady trees
in the garden of
Café Dommayer
13th District


Click on the images
to enlarge them
at your own risk!


  1. Sue South Africa08 September, 2009

    oh this is so priceless!!!!

    Thank you !!

  2. What a charmer that little fellow is! I love the stretching picture. And what good taste he has!

  3. Beautiful scene, Merisi. It underlines the need all creatures have for sweet things.

  4. WHat a wonderful bird! Such personality! Such boldness! Such charm! Makes me want to paint him.

  5. Aha - you paid the bird for this photo shooting!

  6. .
    @ Juju:
    Thank you! :-)

    @ Sue:
    You are welcome! :-)

    @ Vicki Lane:
    I have never seen a bird stretch like that,
    have you?

    @ lakeviewer:
    I agree - he was quite eager to get into the meringue! ;-)

    @ The Wanderers' Daughter:
    He utterly charmed me.
    Are you painting yet? ;-)

    @ lavinie:
    Would you believe it he refused to return a second time for the crumbs a left for him? He clearly only wanted the meringue! ;-)



  7. Typical female, eh, preening up her feathers ;-)

    A lovely example of a young female just completing her moult. She is probably feeling a bit itchy!

    A lovely capture of bird behaviour!

  8. Wunderschöne Bildserie mit dem Sparrow :) Dieses Ambiente, die Stühle, der Tisch und dann der passende Spatz! Ich bin hin und weg

  9. What a wonderful series of photos. I love that little sparrow. She is standing up so tall and straight (for a sparrow)! Great photos, Merisi.

  10. Thank you so much for these photos - they made my day. Sparrows are my FAVOURITE bird. I really need a new photo for my blog. Would you mind if I used one of them and credited you?

  11. a sparrow... sharing your tea. lovely!

  12. I ask you, if there were beings as large as you are compared to the sparrow and they set down a piece of their pie, would you have the courage to hop up on the meringue and have a bite?

    It did take a lot of courage for this little sparrow to sample your pie. It must have been very hungry indeed.

    Your photography is first class work.

    Thanks for your visit to my Pick a Peck of Pixels Blog and for your comment there about Japanese trains and the toilets. And your visit helps me get closer to my original goal: 10,000 visits. Pick a Peck of Pixels

  13. Just superb. I clicked on all of them and though I could smell the coffee, the stretching sparrow won my heart...almost anthropomorphic

  14. .
    @ Maalie:
    One could have mistaken her for a guy,
    what with all that postering! ;-)

    @ Bulgariana:
    You know I stole that half hour away from it all,
    thinking who knows how long that gorgeous late summer weather is going to last!

    @ City Girl:
    It had so much fun with this encounter! :-)


  15. @ Shadow:
    Yes, sharing my tea,
    eating my meringue! Next: Asking for a ride home? ;-)

    @ Abraham Lincoln:
    Yes, one has to admire the courage (and the pluck!) of this little youngster!

    I doubt, though, that she was very hungry, just curious: I left a few crumbs on a plate, to entice her to return, but she would have none of it! Meringue, or bust! ;-I

    @ Moannie:
    That little sparrow girl captured all our hearts, methinks! :-)

    I left the possibility to enlarge the images. A professional photographer told me that his pictures are being stolen all the time, but he doesn't fret about it. Kind people will ask, others will steal anywhy - so there, glad you noticed and enjoyed the larger versions!


  16. .

    @ Sarah:
    Thank you! :-)

    @ Sara said...
    She exhibited really intersting behavior.
    Never before have I observed a bird standing on tip-toes and stretching, and so close at that! ;-)

    @ simon:
    Glad that it made you smile! ;-)

    @ sparrow:
    You are welcome!
    I like sparrow quite a lot too! ;-)
    Will write!


    (The answers are not in sequence:
    I had accidentally erased this comment!)


  17. Jolie série de photos avec ce petit oiseau bien gourmand pour s'approcher si près...

  18. Just one word: fantastic!

  19. What a sweet little bird! You captured such personality in this little winged friend.

  20. What precious pictures, Merisi! I know your heart was singing as you took them.

  21. Charming Merisi. I love the stretching sparrow and they are fabulous enlarged.

  22. you have a way of making this little inconsipiuous brown sparrow, a rare exotic bird - good photography, Merisi!

  23. Oh, what very sweet pictures! You must have been very still and patient to get those! Well done!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  24. Smart sparrow. I would go for the lemon meringue also.

  25. Ah ah, we've got the same inspiration!!!Sparrows and cakes are in the air...


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