Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Summer In The City

Evening At The MuseumsQuartier
Vienna's MQ - The Cultural District

Photographed by Merisi
3 September 2009


  1. Beautifully clear, sharp pictures. I would just love to sit down and enjoy a beer in the location of the fourth picture!

  2. Love the first shot -- a hard-edged abstract. almost!

  3. .

    @ Juju from Tales of Whimsy:
    Thank you! :-)

    @ Maalie:
    You wouldn't believe how many outdoor places there are in the MQ alone, more than half a dozen! ;-)

    @ Vicki Lane:
    I loved the fact that only the umbrellas were visible from the bottom of the stairs, contrasting with the row of blue windows in the background and the grey stones of the building and stairs.


  4. I am enjoying the more hard-edged modernism in this series of photos. Quite different from the more baroque feeling in your photos of historical sites I've grown accustomed to here. Both approaches are beautiful, I hasten to add! Fun to see the contrast of old and new.

  5. I love the umbrella perspective best of all. Very cool.

  6. Such interesting angles and so many refreshing shades of green!


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