Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 14 August 2009

Six Minutes

Taking pictures

of clouds

in an urban setting

while waiting

for the library
to open its doors.

Public Library Courtyard
13th District

Photographed with my
Panasonic Lumix
14 August 2009
© Merisi


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  1. What beautiful scenery you have to admire while waiting.

  2. Nice view to have,rather easy on the eyes! I like the painting of the house and the wind turbine.

  3. What a great post. I love clouds. Thanks Merisi!

  4. I forgot the mention that the pictures carry links to Kaurismäki film snippets.
    The scenery in these pictures reminded of this Finnish director, especially of "Man Without a Past" - the scene at the container harbour, a desolate place on earth, yet he managed to impart so much beauty to that wasteland.

    Thank you for all your kind comments!
    Yes, Charles, I am a card-carrying member of the public library here (and I still carry my Library of Congress card with me, just in case .... `grin`).

    To all a wonderful weekend,
    I am off for the day, exploring the Hungarian countryside!

  5. Six minutes? Hey, Merisi, not bad for a Quickie...

  6. The clouds around here are a lot blacker - and wetter!

  7. Yep. Mind made camera for my birthday please JP.

  8. That last shot is particularly compelling. What is it about looking through things . . .

  9. Six minutes well-spent.

  10. Looks like we have much of the same weather.

    I was downtown this morning for a Trondheim photo session for my new blog. Had coffee and thought of you :-)

  11. I love to take photos of the clouds. ;-)

    Love your sky shots.


  12. Vienna has moody skies these days, but I am enjoying it nevertheless. It bothers me that I leave early morning from Burgenland (like on Friday for example) with an umbrella and shoes, because it was raining, and than at 1 pm in Vienna is so hot, 33 degrees in Simmering... But I cannot argue: I simply love these places, with or without rain...

  13. The first two photos make me think of a cloud giant kicking up his heels...that cloud looks so much like a foot.

  14. I enjoyed the wait with you.


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