Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


The Athena Fountain
in front of the
Austrian Parliament

19 August 2009
by Merisi


  1. So fresh and cool on a hot day!

  2. Falling water -- so beautiful!

  3. Wonderful captures! It makes me feel cool just to look at them :-)

  4. Loved that fountain...hiding under the tray...great photos!

  5. Love that close up. I could use that fountain here today. :)

  6. Long time since I commented, Merisi, but I always enjoy my visits here. You capture beauty so... beautifully!

  7. Thank you all so much for taking the time to leave comments here - they are the butter on my bread, and the honey too! :-)

    I have finally got a new shiny silver Mac - more or less easy to change over from a PC if it were not for the photo department: Drats, I feel really stupid, but I have yet to figure out how to resize them for the blog! Well, it is barely 24 hours that I took it home, so there's hope. I had one wonderful surprise already, though. When I looked at my pictures (and yours too!), they look much brighter and sharper and in better shape colourwise than I imagined, i.e. saw on my old tired slow prissy PC! ;-)

    Thank you for coming back here, again and again,
    it really makes my day. Some days,like yesterday, you make me leave the house earlier just so I get a few pictures to post for you. I am grateful for that, because after I had passed the fountain in front of the parliament, I got to walk through the rose garden and I am telling you, that is the most wonderful morning treat imaginable. Even the air was still cool, and the roses perfumated the garden with their heady fragrance. I wished I could have sat down and let it all sink in. Well, no complaining here, I would have had to get up another half hour earlier and that would have been too much, even for a nightowl cum early bird like me. ;-)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.