Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Café Sperl

"Here there is nothing
I have taken from you

so I begin with memory
as old songs do

in this café
against the night

in this villa refrain
where we collect the fragment

no longer near us
to make ourselves whole ... "

Quoted from
"Midnight Dinner at the Vesta Lunch"
by Michael Ondaatje *

*) The Cinnamon Peeler:
Selected Poems
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York 1991

You would like to linger?
No problem, we are in Vienna,
aren't we?
Click on the title
or any of the images
and a charming Viennese waiter will apear
you will be served another
cup of coffee!
Enjoy! :-)


  1. As ever, I delight in my little visit to somewhere far more elegant than here.......

  2. Is anyone ever in a hurry in Vienna?
    What a charmed place it seems!

  3. Just last week I sent a group of friends off from Chicago to Vienna with the instruction:

    Gumpendorfer Straße 11 ! ;-)

  4. I'm always looking for my friend in your photos...someday I might see her!

    Yes I would love to linger in this cafe - sigh!

  5. I had lunch in a coffee shop in Cheraw (SC) but it looked nothing like was quaint...not regal!

  6. Another fiest of enjoyment on your site. Your photography and eue for tictorial description is wonderful.
    I am replete with beaury.

  7. Ooo, those couches look comfy! I could spend all day there writing or sketching, with plenty of coffee and pastries of course!

  8. This is the best... true the dark corners of the Hawelka are pregnant with possibility, yet the broad recline of the Sperl is irresistible. Tafelspitz heaven and just around the corner from Korngold's house (and the chic Cafe Dreschler).

  9. Loved the decor pictures and closeups of the carved wood.
    You have a great eye for capturing snippets of art.

  10. You are the Queen of Atmosphere! I love that first shot especially. It creates the illusion of looking through mirrors.

  11. I love coffee. It's my dream to sit in a Vienna cafe and work on my novel while sipping a cup of coffee. These images are the closest I will get for a while, but help cement the dream :)

  12. I especially love the shot with the blurring waitress. Fabulous!

  13. Such an envelopping place...Thank you, once more.


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