Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 3 July 2009


Late morning shade,
leaning in harmony
with a baroque curlicue
connecting the garden wall
to the roof of a building
at the Manor Farm adjacent to
Prince Eugen of Savoy's Schloss Hof palace.

Camomile Flowers
in an earthen clay pot
on a window sill in a reconstructed Roman villa
in the Archaeological Park Carnuntum,
25 miles east of Vienna.

Lemon Tree Flower
Manor Farm of
Schloss Hof

Trees in Summer Greens
Carnuntum Archaeolgical Park

Photographed by Merisi
July 2, 2009


  1. Lovely shots. Particularly love the second shot!

  2. I am just envy- envy- envious of these signs of superb quality of life in Vienna: all cities should be so photogenic.

    btw, Merisi, lemon juice and soda water (seltzer) is a genius drink: just tried it.

  3. The first photo gives me Sehnsucht for warm summer days in Vienna. Very beautiful.

  4. Wonderful photos; thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.


  5. Merisi, I thought that you were going to start writing poetry with the first discription of the curve. (Probably because I was in that summer mood in my last post. Come over to OWL and read, won't you?)This first photo is a lovely late morning shade shot. All of these captures have an entirely different mood, and they contrast in color,texture, and style. ...and all part of the summer feeling for you? Thanks for sharing. <3

  6. Anyone can take a picture of flowers and trees and evoke ahs and ohhs, but you have taken an architectural detail and done the same thing...that's rare have it dripping from your fingertips into your camera lens and onto the computer just for me...and others smart enough to come by!

    secret word for verification is verat..close enough to the truth!

  7. The Camomile Flowers are beautiful. I also really like the summer shade one.

  8. Every photo, M, is like a small painting ..

  9. It's amazing how many different shades of green there are.

  10. Merisi, I couldn't choose which picture I like best: they are all very attractive images!

  11. These are wonderful shots. The first one took my breath away. The second one captivated me for all those shades of green!

  12. The shot of the Camomile flowers in the earthern pot is a prize winner. Love the framing and the color tones.

  13. Anonymous03 July, 2009

    I swear, Merisi, that if you could find a garbage can you could make it beautiful. Amazing.

  14. Ah -- the first shot like an abstract painting! And the waxen perfection of the lemon flower! Thank you, Merisi!

  15. Each photo is a gem. I can feel the warmth of the summer.

  16. Merisi, camomile is my favorite scent, but I had never seen the flowers until I saw your picture. I love the lemon tree bloom, too. It reminds me of orchids. Beautiful pictures, as always.


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