Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 10 July 2009

Midsummer Afternoon

Meanwhile the mind, from pleasure less,
Withdraws into its happiness --
The mind, that ocean where each kind
Does straight its own resemblance find;
Yet it creates, transcending these,
Far other worlds, and other seas;
Annihilating all that's made
To a green thought in a green shade.

(Andrew Marvel, "The Garden")

Farmer's Garden
Hausruck Region
Upper Austria
Photographed by Merisi
July 2008


  1. .

    These are images from gardens around the village depicted in the previous post. An immensely beautiful, rural area of Austria, gently rolling hills, farmers' hamlets in the middle of well-tended fields and meadows, ringed by woods.

    I cannot say often enough how much I appreciate your comments. They make me feel really special about sharing with you this beautiful city I can call my home now and the countryside beyond with you. Thank you!

  2. ". . . a green thought in a green shade " is one of my favorite phrases.

    And what a beautiful place this is! Another Earthly Paradise . . .

  3. I love the way you zero in on details that capture atmosphere and create a mood that is at once immediate and out of this world.

  4. It looks like it must be divine! These flowers are lit from within. I love that gate post top image. Glorious.

  5. I love the wood walls and red flowers in the flower baskets on the windows!

  6. Thank you Merisi,
    These photo's are a beautiful expression of Summer and remind me of one of mine, 32 years ago.

    Only once was I in Austria, I arrived by train and was brought to tears as I entered this beautiful country. I stayed in the rural part with a friend and her family (that I had met in Greece). Their home was 500 years old.

    When I saw the mountains entering into the country, I teared up because of it's beauty. When leaving, I sobbed because of the special people I had met AND the beautiful country!

    It is a gift that you share your photos here!

    Thank you.

  7. Just the kind of gardens I like..unplanned, willy nilly...colorful and all over the place...thanks for posting these...lovely!!!!

  8. These images are very beautiful - thank you Merisi for the lovely words and tour. xv

  9. Thank you for introducing me to Andrew Marvel's 'Garden' - I'd not read it before, but will now hunt it down to soak up the words some more. Thanks also for kind comment on my blog today.
    Your photos have distilled the essence on Summertime...Loved picking cherries in the shade...Yum!

  10. Lovely photos.

    Terje, Marta and I had coffee in an old coffee house downtown Trondheim today. Guess where my thoughts wandered....

    May be I'll post some photos tomorrow.

  11. Very pretty flowers, Merisi. When I was younger I had no interest in them, and now it seems I cannot get enough of them.


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