Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

A Little Night Music

Sometimes a girl
just wants to have fun!

I found the pitcher
in a secondhand shop

around the corner
from Saturday's farmers' market

where I bought
the magenta dahlias
from one of my
favorite farmer florists.


Good Night
from Vienna!

Merisi July 2009


  1. Maria Callas will sing for you if you click on the images!

    Good night from Vienna,

  2. Gorgeous and so lovely. The magenta flowers and the vase really do SING.

  3. Now you see? That's the kind of thing that makes life truly beautiful. Thank you. I needed this moment of grace.

  4. Anonymous14 July, 2009

    You are a true artist Merisi. These are my very favourite pictures.

    I have collected jugs with flowers on and they hang on my welsh dresser. I covet yours.

  5. A lovely composition! The pitcher is a wonderful find.

  6. Such attitude! Such panache! Such fun! Magenta seems to spreading its joy lately. I found a brand new magenta Crayola crayon lying on the street the other day! Not as splendid as your 2nd hand market find, but free and fun and perhaps a sign from the universe to encourage me in my art-making.

  7. Anonymous15 July, 2009

    Wow is right! Great find, and elegant! I love this. What a treat!! Beautiful, Merisi.

  8. Wow! That is so beautiful...the flowers and the pitcher!

    Incidentally, I have been looking for a pitcher for the past few days!

  9. You know, you actually have "taste." I don't know many folks who do. ;)

  10. Beautiful post, and lovely music to go with it :-)

  11. What a find your jug was, and how lovely with the matching Dahlias.
    Maria Callas was a delight to hear.
    I thoroughly enjoyed all of them.

  12. Absolute beautiful :-)

    (by the way, did you get my email with the Venezia-addresses?)

  13. some well-spent money!

  14. Thank you all for your kind comments! I treasure them! :-)

    you got mail!
    Days are a bit hectic here, since I am leaving very early Friday morning.

  15. .

    I am really touched by the resonance to this little pitcher image which happened entirely by chance! I bought a large bouquet of mostly orange dahlias at the farmers market and needed a vase for a few magenta ones hiding amongst their orange sisters. I left the pitcher at the kitchen counter and the next morning, when the sun was streaming through the window, I simply took a few shots because I liked the light.

    Btw, I am not into collecting things, but I am always scouting for small creamy white milk jugs. This one was a bit larger than the rest of my "collection" (half a dozen at the most), but it was irrestibly beautiful in my eyes.

  16. What a beautiful subject matter. I love the "hot" makes the magenta just jump out of the picture. You are a true artist, Merisi!


  17. Love these dhalias. You always have the most incredible flowers and desserts !!!
    Love Maria Callas.
    Merisi, I saw your comment on Corey's blog about antiques shops and He touched me a lot , Thanks for appreciating my blog !

  18. Gorgeous light!
    wonderful image :)

  19. What a lovely inspiration for me to go out tomorrow to purchase some flowers for my own vase.


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