Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Cherries of the Night


Cherries of the night are riper
Than the cherries pluckt at noon
Gather to your fairy piper
When he pipes his magic tune:
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
Under the moon.
And you’ll be fairies soon.

In the cherry pluckt at night,
With the dew of summer swelling,
There’s a juice of pure delight,
Cool, dark, sweet, divinely smelling.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
In the moonlight.
And you’ll be fairies quite.

When I sound the fairy call,
Gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter.
For the eater
When the dews fall.
And you’ll be fairies all.

(Robert Graves)


Have a sample!

Photographed by Merisi
July 11, 2009
Yppen Platz Farmers' Market
16th District


  1. Blackberries is what I crave.

  2. Delicious! Sounder, rounder and sweeter. They do look perfect in your photo.

  3. These cherries look VERY sweet! Oh, the choices of fruit in the summer!! :D


  4. hehe, nice idea! looking forward to spend my time around this August!

  5. Such a bewitching poem, makes me want to eat cherries again but our have already come and gone.

  6. Merisi, I have just caught up with your last few posts here, delightful and enigmatic as usual....sometime sits a thrill to save them up for a longer visit with you....

  7. I love the metre of that poem, I even read it aloud to myself :-)

  8. I can see you all sitting on the orchard wall, cherry juice all over! :-)

    Thank you for the kind comments,
    it was a pleasure to share this beautiful poem with you again.

  9. Merisi,
    What a delightful poem to remind us about a favorite summer fruit! Right now, we are enjoying some Rainier cherries that we found at the market, which are my favorites with their perfect sweet/tart balance and beautiful red and yellow colors!

    Thank you so much for this post!

    Wishing you a beautiful day,


  10. I guess we'll be fairies all, since we had some of these babies for supper tonight! Lovely photo! Cherries are delicious.

  11. You will never guess what I was eating a few minutes ago...yes, a pot of cherries. (I do not feel remotely fairy-ish though!)

  12. Eine kleine nacht Kostprobe!


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