Friday, 26 June 2009

Where Dreams Come True

Shades of Pink
Roses grace an entryway at Kohlmarkt,
against the gold and verdigris
of the dome above St. Michael's Gate.

A Quaint Morning Scene
Coffee cups and water glasses at
Meinl Café on Graben

Like a Gregorian Chant's
Syllabic verses forming into arches,
those breakfast scenes along my path
built up my own arch of desire to give in
and join the morning rites.

I Began Fantasizing
about a perfect cup of coffee,

At Demel's,
a few steps down the street!

I had bravely passed
at least half a dozen Kaffeehäuser,
and when rounding the corner
from Naglergasse to Graben,
literally smelling the coffee
at Meinl's outdoor terrace,
I turned straight right,
and headed towards Kohlmarkt.

Rushing by Chanel's Boutique
I gave but a cursory glance
at that Little Black Dress,
accompanied by a touch of Tea Rose.

Oh well, tired of white or ivory,
I have worn accessories in that shade of pink
more than a year ago and besides,
I was in serious get-me-coffee-now
mode by then

Die Demelinerin
About the only waitress
who can serve you in black and white
with such grace and dignity,
without exuding an air of servility.

Vermeer would have painted her -
"Girl With A Coffee Cup" -
had he ever laid eyes on her!

What, No Guglhupf?
No problem,
I eat Guglhupf only at Charlotte's,
or my mother's!

Mile High Cheesecake?
No, thank you,
not for breakfast,
no cream-filled mille-feuille either!

Petit Fours?
Pretty to look at,
but really,
they are for the faint of heart,
don't you agree?

Cherry Strudel?
I nod with a smile.
No better Apple Rhubarb Cherry Strudel

Melange with Cherry Strudel
Ah, Demel's,
where dreams come true!

Images by Merisi
June 2008

Pastries scenes
captured at
K. u. K Hofzuckerbäcker
Kohlmarkt 14


  1. Clicking on the post's title will take you to Carol Gillot's "Paris Breakfasts" - another dream destination for pastry afficionados!
    Enjoy! :-)

  2. Anonymous26 June, 2009

    Ah Merisi, I would be as fat as-well, fatter than I am now. I have no will power, I would eat out every day and die penniless and fat. No-one can photograph food the way you do.

  3. Merisi, I love seeing your beautiful Vienna through the lens of your camera. You have a talent for capturing its grace and elegance in all of your pictures, whatever the subject. I especially enjoyed your "Rainy Day Roses" photos.



  4. I confess I have learned to have my own morning coffee while reading your blog.

  5. Mmmmm...what a wonderful birthday treat! :) I think I'll have some of that cherry strudel! :P

  6. i would so like to join you for a stroll and a cup of coffee and a bite of that strudel.
    loved the pink touches...the roses breathtaking and of course who cannot help but stop at chanel :)
    in my mind i am

  7. Oh I am faint of heart after this tour! Hungry too! Beautiful Merisi!

  8. I love the ritual you made of getting that first cup of coffee...and the pretty waitress who could be capture (as she was by you) as Vermeer's "Girl with a coffee cup" or "Girl with a pony tail". Beautiful pre-breakfast walk, Merisi. <3

  9. I love the hand on the hip! Sooo pretty, stylish, and something you'd see in Vogue magazine.

  10. Oh, my--that cherry strudel looks to die for--strawberries, too! And I so agree--Vermeer would have painted that profile of the young, lovely woman. All your pink roses in their varied beauty are amazing here.

  11. I would give quite a lot for a decent cup of coffee where I am right now (rather isolated!).

  12. LOVE the soft pink in the Chanel window! I could window shop all day in Vienna!! :D

  13. As good as that looks, it makes me hungry for Bacon and Eggs. Gimme that old style breakfast.

  14. Oh my, oh my, oh my......where can I get some Vienese coffee......

  15. What a nice sequence, Merisi! I'd like to talk with you about photography and blogs in one of these cosy coffee houses tasting delicious pastries accompanied by a cappuccino. Perhaps one day this will be reality?

  16. I loved the rose pic. and I nearly drank the coffee but then I saew the Cherry Strudel. Where do I start.

  17. Parisbreakfast and brunch27 June, 2009

    why are they for the faint of heart?
    what does that mean?
    lovely looking cakies...sigh

  18. transported and uh hips just grew wider just drooling here!

  19. Fat frumpy and fifty:
    I'll have you walk at lunchtime in 80°F and 100% humidity all the way from Demel's to and through Volksgarten and then on to the MuseumsQuartier in my next post, "Elisabeth Memorial"! ;-)
    (For once, the metro did not run - some passenger problem.)

    Thank you all for your kind comments, I appreciate them beyond what words could express!

  20. JUJU:
    Is your blog meant to not accept comments? I could not work it out!

  21. I'm in love with the little purse! And the desserts look SO GOOD!

  22. You live in Heaven, I think!
    Love it all including the lace dress and handbag at Chanel!

  23. Your photos always show the most lovely angles, colours and close-up. And they make me drool!

  24. These photos are divine, Merisi. I so love coming to visit. The pastries remind me of my weekend trips down to Charing Cross when I lived in England to visit the French pastry shops for coffee and a dessert. Ahh...

  25. What a beautiful view of Vienna! Tell me, do they always serve a glass of water with coffee?

  26. Your photos of Demel are exquisite.


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