Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 29 June 2009

Eine Kleine Regenmusik

Carriage Lantern
Catching the first drops

Mozart at Michaelertor
Umbrella to the rescue!

Run, Viola, Run!
Instrument saved, musician wet

Defying the Downpour
Fiaker Lantern at Michaelerplatz

Quick, Save the Violin!
Musicians getting wet

The Lantern Turns Reflective
While everybody else is seeking shelter

Heading Down Kohlmarkt
To the nearest refuge

High and Dry at Demel's

Eine große Tasse Tee?
A large cup of tea, anyone?

For a few soothing notes
click on the images to listen to
Mozart's "Kleine Nachtmusik"!

A Little Rain Musik
These are scenes from
August 2008, but
they reflect the mood
Vienna was in yesterday:
Sunday evening was one
downpour after the next.

It is still raining this morning.
I would be in the mood for
a slice of Anna-Torte at Demel's
right now,
if only
I could
get my hands
on one!


  1. Anonymous29 June, 2009

    A unique post. I was curious and read through it and enjoyed the photos as well. Thank you for visiting my blogs and commenting on them.

  2. Lovely lovely lovely. Such a joy to see all those scenes and the captions was sweet and funny.

  3. LOVE THIS!!!
    I saw his golden sister at Notre Dame in Paris...

  4. I love this little slice of Viennese life that you've provided, dampness and all. The action shots are such fun, the reflections and raindrops emphasize the wetness of the day, and the relief to be high and dry in front of a steaming cup of coffee is a lovely conclusion to a charming story.

  5. wonderful photo report, but the weather is more and more playing us for some fools :)!

  6. Love the raindrops and the reflections. Great story-line as usual. Have a piece of Anna-torte and a cup of tea for me.

  7. I wish it would rain here some more. California is getting really hot.

    I love these pictures! Especially the ones of the musicians walking away and the statue holding the umbrella, with the reflections on the pavement and the way the photos are framed. Lovely. And, of course, I always love drink and food pictures!

  8. I love the Mozart with the umbrella!

  9. Your lively sequence of images looks like a movie: it's really nice. Moreover, I always enjoy your pictures of cups, saucers, little spoons, milk jugs, even better if there is also a slice of cake. ;-)

  10. When I visited Venice there were 'living statues' like Mozart .. I hadnt even considered what would happen if it rained! Too funny.

  11. It's pouring rain here as I type. I really enJOYed these photos. Oh, and I'd love a cup of tea!

  12. As always, a charming glimpse into your world. Many thanks!

  13. Great rain shots! I love the impromptu umbrella! Fabulous catch. Sometimes a rainy day is the best.

  14. I love the gold painted guy. Although here we have street performers who paint themselves silver. Interesting the similarity and difference existing at the same second :)

  15. A wonderful reward of hot coffee after an excursion in the rain.

  16. Another exquisite post. thank you for the visual refreshment


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