Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Dreaming in Shades of Céladon and Pink

I'd like to be under the tree
In the Pfarrwirt's garden in the shade.
He'd let us in, knows where we've been
In his céladon green garden in the shade.

I'd ask my friends to come and see
The warm pink rose' an' me.
I'd like to be under the tree
In a céladon green garden in the shade

We would sing and dance around
Because we know we can't be found.
I'd like to be under the tree
In the Pfarrwirt's garden in the shade.

We would sing and look about
Count blushing roses on céladon bead board.
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing there'd be roses for everyone on board!

We would be so happy you and me
No one there to tell us what to do
I'd like to have one more Mélange,
In the Pfarrwirt's garden with you

Photographed by Merisi
at Abbey Road Pfarrwirt
19th District

First posted
on the 6th of June, 2009.

On this grey morning,
the third in a row -
after two days of torrential rains already -
I needed a reminder of summer
in one of Vienna's most beautiful places,
where lazing away a midsummer afternoon
for the length of a cup of coffee
is simply priceless.


One more thing to smile about?

Check out this image
with the header "Pollination Can Be Fun",
illustrating Steven Stern's New York Times article
"Hoping to Generate a Bit More Buzz"
about "The Beekeepers Ball",
held at the Water Taxi Beach
in New York's South Street Seaport.
Enjoy! :-)


  1. Absolutely charming! This is one of my favorite posts now. Danke for the smile!

  2. Thank you, Steph,
    I love the memories of this charming place (only steps from Beethoven's Heiligenstädter residences, btw).

    Regarding favorite posts, since I somehow slept through the 100,000th visitor of this blog, I hope to be able to at least mark the 150,000th visitor. Right now the counter shows 141,419 visitors and 248,696 page views, meaning there is some time left, days during which I could try to collect images for a post about favorite places of you, my dear readers. Would you be willing to share your favorite place and dreams of Vienna with me? I shall do my very best to indulge you in your dreams!
    Thank you! :-)

  3. Please excuse my mangled syntax.

  4. Oh dear, it would be so hard to choose a favorite from your blog, I love them all!
    This doesn't mean I won't try! I just needed another excuse to look through your pictures! lol

  5. Those lovely roses look like the ones which have such a heady, powerful scent? There are some in a garden nearby and they fill the air with perfume at dusk.

  6. I_am_Tulsa,
    you are very sweet, thank you!

    I wouldn't fret about chosing one,
    we could maybe do a series of old favs, something along that line. I noticed that I hardly ever take the time of leaving through my blog. When I do, it is to look for links and sometimes I am surprised about myself, thinking along the line of "What! I published this? What was I thinking!" *giggle*

    Sometimes I am afraid I am not anynomous enough and the "real" Viennese will come and drive me out of town!

  7. How utterly gorgeous!

    My favorite place in Vienna isn't actually in Vienna, but about 10 miles outside, at Laxenburg. The Lusthaus pavilion has to be one of the most gorgeous spots on earth! When I picture heaven in my mind, I picture Laxenburg.

  8. I'm hard pressed to think of one favorite place... it's either the window table on the left as you enter Cafe Frauenhuber or the little staircase in Cafe-Bar Porta (Schulerstrasse), just through the door that leads to the WC. Hm.

    I'm going to say the stairs because I never got a picture of them.

  9. You are an amazing photographer but you are particularly amazing with food. Have you ever considered becoming a professional food photographer?

  10. A warm, lovely post. Had me smiling the whole way through!


  11. WHAT STUNNERS !! Took my breath, they did! You and that camera of yours are outstanding Merisi!

    Send me the rain, I'd be willing to dance naked in it! However that, would no doubt stop it for sure! HA!

  12. What gorgeous roses to go with your poem. Hope you're getting some sunny days now.

  13. Breathtakingly lovely ... and I was singing along .. good thing you cant hear me .. oy!

  14. I wish we could get some of your rain. It's been bone dry here.

  15. Please invite me to buzz amongst the astounding pink roses!
    I looked up the BeeBall -such wonderful fun. posted nice bee pictures last week.
    I think there are a few more bees about this year...
    hope so anyway.
    Greetings from cloudy rainy NY....

  16. Pink roses are just so lovely. And beautiful words to go with them.

  17. Looks like I brought the sunny weather with me up to Norway ;-)

  18. I do not know if I have already said to you I had registered you in my links on my blog. Your photos are the ones of a BiG photographe. the pink (roses) are absolutely magnificent.
    Which miracles.
    Beautiful evening.

  19. Beautiful roses, Merisi! I like the rainy day roses too.
    About my Steinway, it's an upright piano I had from my aunt many many years ago: I don't know of what year it is, but surely it's very old. I'll make a post on it as soon as I have the photograph. Your grand piano must be wonderful: is it still working well? Steinway pianos have a great sound, haven't they?

  20. I lovr these colors, harmony full of joy and poetry!
    How do you do to find a new original inspiration every day??? You're stunning!!!

  21. Merisi,Hello Morning, which saw Michael sou.gia blog

  22. Anonymous25 June, 2009

    Merisi, these are superb, I wanted to bury my nose in them and never mind the bees. As to a favourite...I would be hard pressed to decide and would need to lay aside time to browse again.

  23. Pink roses are my favourites.

    How lovely for me to visit with you in Vienna tonight.

  24. They mmight be my 2 favorite colors ! beautiful shots

  25. Pink reminds me of one past employer who wore pink suits to the office with crinoline under her skirt.

    Though the pink roses are very lovely, Merisi.


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