Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Band of iris-flowers
above the waves,
you are painted blue,
painted like a fresh prow
stained among the salt weeds.

Quoted from
Sea Iris
by H. D.
(1886 - 1961)


Photographed by Merisi
in the Alpine Garden
of the Belvedere


  1. I recently bought some Iris' as they always remind me of my grandmother. her stage name was June Young but her real name was Iris Eleanor!

    Delightful post! Thanks

  2. Merisi, thank you for this gorgeous flower! Just what I needed to see after a hectic day on the job.

  3. Beautiful!! There is nothing more glorious than a perfect Iris in bloom!
    ~ Carol ~

  4. That is beautiful. And the poem captures the blue so well. I love these flowers. Your post makes my evening.

  5. Iris are among my very favorite flowers and these deep cobalt blues seem to me to be the loveliest.

  6. Anonymous15 May, 2009

    I never appreciated these until I came across a collector of iris paintings and photos. Now they grow in the front corner of my yard, and i adore their colors in summer!

  7. Merisi
    such wonderful colour.
    I found some interesting flowers recently which will appear on a post one day soon, and they have an iris look to them...but they are not...

    Happy Days

  8. Such a luminous shot! Just gorgeous.

  9. You are so well read! Where do you find all of this literary work to "frame" your photography? I envy you.... :D
    Happy Friday, Merisi!

  10. Hallo Merisi, what a beautiful picture! I really admire your wonderful blog, so many great sujets and words, too! Thank you!
    Have a nice weekend ahead!

  11. Anonymous15 May, 2009

    Gorgeous! Love the back light through the petal!

  12. This post is just beautiful. Could that iris have looked any more perfect?

  13. One of my favorite flowers in my favorite color--beautiful, translucent color.

  14. Onw of my favorite flowers and colors--the petals are just translucent here.

  15. Oh, what a stunningly gorgeous picture! How well you have captured the light effects!


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