Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Viennese Moments

St. Michael slaying Lucifer
By Lorenzo Mattielli
St. Michael's Square

Court Garden
Once upon a time
this was the Emperor's
private garden

Volksgarten Pavillon
Drinking coffee under
white lilacs and chestnut trees.

Water Play
Court Garden Pond

Ready for Lunch?
Hollmann Salon

Vienna in Spring
Photographed by Merisi
April 18, 2009


  1. Spring looks beautiful in Vienna! :o)

  2. Enjoying your photos, as always. Can I ask... what lens do you normally use?

  3. Hello Merisi, and many thanks for your very kind comments! I completely understand you polite declining my invite.

    Your photos and words continue to be such a gift to all who visit this site. This is just about the time of the year that I had my only visit to Vienna. What a beautiful place it is, whether one strolls around the streets, stopping for a coffee, or meanders in the parks seeing nature's spring show.


  4. These are fun...they have a playful feel! Extraordinary, as usual!

  5. There is something promising about spring.......

  6. Do you know the first thing I thought when I saw that statue and fountain with the water spraying WAY in the air? You probably do.

  7. Merisi with the magic optic lense: Your journey seems to have started in Washington, brought and brings you to Rome, Tuscany, Upper Austria and anchors you and your growing children in Vienna,
    Mine started in Upper Austria, brought me to Vienna, to Rome, to Tuscany and anchors me in Manhattan - not since two and a half years - but almost 25...
    A grown daughter is spreading her wings into the world and adult independence -- an old mother calls me home to Vienna frequently.
    So, in the midst of intense New York working days, surrounded by more skyscrapers than I like to count, I find moments of serenity, quiet, of nostalgia and sheer delight when I open your photo blog during lunch break almost every day. Thank you, Merisi! And congratulations to you and your daughter. Happy summer!


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