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Thursday, 23 April 2009

The Skies So Blue!

Garden Urn
I figured you must be tired by now
of the same flowery themed posts here -
so today I start with an urn instead. ;-)
Upper Belvedere

White Dogwood
Blossoms, not flowers.
Or are they?
Botanical Garden

St. Stephen's Cathedral
A peak from the Belvedere,
just as you walk through the garden gate
and turn towards the Menagerie gardens.
In the far distance lie the vineyards
of the 19th District and Kahlenberg.

Pink Dogwood
More blossoms!
Botanical Garden

The Sphynx
turning her back to the Lower Belvedere Palace
and the city beyond. To her right,
the sloping terraced gardens which connect
the Lower and Upper Palaces.

A Fountain
Nameless so far,
Merisi was unable to find any information
about the creator.
Two small boys playing with a
rather big fish:
Wenn das mal gut geht!

Cleaning Fairy's Nightmare
High above the palace's elegant portal,
a forgotten cleaning rag.
The blue is true
reflected sky.
Lower Belvedere

Upper Belvedere Palace
South Façade

Photographed by Merisi
on April 21, 2009


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  1. I love visiting your blog, Merisi. It always takes me back to the beautiful city that I love.

    The text of Abendempfindung wasn't written by Mozart. It was written by an 18th century German poet by the name of Campe. Mozart composed the Lied in the summer of 1787. It thought it especially appropriate to leave on your post with the photos of the lilacs in St. Marx near Mozart's grave. I think it's the most beautiful of his Lieder. Here is a link to me singing it in the the 2006 documentary "Mozartballs".

  2. Merisi, when I look at the wonders of Vienna you depict I could cry because I can no longer fly and experience it for myself. The gardens, the palaces, Demels for a coffee break, and just Being.

  3. It's obvious one can spend years in Vienna and always find new and breathtaking views. Love those blue skies too.

    That cleaning rag is a hoot!

  4. Just like post cards.
    Soo lovely!

  5. The reliable quality of your blog is beauty and causing one the desire to hop the next plane!

  6. Simply fab! And there's nothing more to say! Your blog captures it all!!!

  7. What beautiful blues and what great subjects, one and all. These are wonderful! I'm not complaining about flowers or blossoms--have at 'em!

  8. I always enjoy your flowery themed posts. Beautiful as always. Thank you for the kind comment while I was away. Bonnie enjoyed visiting your blog.

  9. What a capture..the cleaning rag fairy. Great observation. the sky in the first shots is so blue its stunning. I never get tired of your flowers...blossoms.

  10. What beauty, in the skies, the flowers, the buildings, the photos, your blog. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous day with us, Merisi!

  11. Merisi, I love your blog! And your photos are breathtaking and bring back so many lovely memories!! Have a great weekend!

  12. enjoy your posts of vienna...just lovely...simply lovely.

  13. As I looked at each of the photos .."Oh" came out of my mouth.My grandson heard and he came in and looked and we both said "OH"
    Nice shots mt friend!
    Happy Skywatch Friday!

  14. Fantastic sequence of shots. I love the way each subject looked against the sky. Very well done!

  15. What a capture! Happy SkyWatch.

  16. Love your blue skies, and I could never tire of flowers. The urn is interesting though. I am partial to the dogwoods though, especially the pink. We don't have those here.

  17. funny how you said blossoms, not flowers ;-)
    love the St. Stephen's Cathedral shot!

  18. fabulous photos. i love the pink dogwood flowers, they're beautiful

  19. A terrific post, I adore the pink dogwood, the color is amazing!

  20. So blue, so clean, so beautiful and so much information. Those dogwoods are just gorgeous.

  21. you have a lot of perspective to appreciate the sky...

  22. Hang on a minute - aren't those Aussie skies? Great shots, Merisi. Love the urn - and the final door.

  23. What a fantastic day to be out with your camera.

  24. oh wow, this is amazing...

  25. I always love to see photos of blooms against a sky so blue! Beautiful series of shots!

  26. I love the Belvedere, so beautiful!

  27. It seems as if spring has already rolled into summer in Vienna!

  28. Enjoyed the flowers against the blue sky, lovely.

  29. Such pretty postcards..loved the urn

  30. Always a winning blog!!!! Congrats on your POTD! ~Janine XO

  31. There are so many wonderful monuments, statues, buildings and palaces in Vienna. Not to mention the gorgeous flower plantations and shrubs. Great post as always.

  32. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award! Woo hoo!

  33. Congrats on POTD! Your posts are always worthy of note!

  34. We are in the height of the Dogwood blooming season here at home. Great to see they have them where you are. :-)
    Your photos are always SO beautiful. I love visiting here.

  35. Beautiful! Those sculptures are just are making me want to travel!

  36. Love the sphinx!! She is so pretty yet ferocious!


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