Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere: Lower Austria

Red Tulip
Found in Maissau
"The Amethyst Town"

Espresso Macchiato
Served in a rose cup

Arrested Movement
Tulips in the wind

The Hills Are Alive
with deer!
Near Retz

Layers of History
First mentioned in 1367,
the building was rebuilt during Renaissance,
1569 through 1617, and then again
in the 1740s, in the Baroque style.
Town Hall

Photographed by Merisi
this past Sunday and Monday
in Lower Austria


  1. Seriously...your images are so gorgeous today that I can't decide which I like more. *ponder* The brilliant tulip? The lovely hills? Or that layers of chipping paint?

  2. The roses are magnificent! And the companion photo of the teacup is brilliant...Love this post!

  3. Lovely images, Merisi, as always!

  4. JUJU and SNIFFLES AND SMILES, thank you both! :-)

    I am really pleased that you like today's post! I composed it out of images that were not supposed to "work". The moving tulips were hard to capture because the wind was blowing so hard I had trouble holding my camera steady. The rose cup was shot in a restaurant, with plates and glasses standing around and I had to shoot it against the sunlight streaming in through the window.
    The deer in the field was a lucky hit too, from the car (I was not driving, though!).
    The layers of paint were a side-effect of me wanting to hold on to the information posted on the sign.

    This all goes to prove that
    "there is a song in all the things that keep on dreaming,
    and the world will be asinging
    if you find the magic word

    (my very rudimentary translation of the German poet Joseph von Eichendorff's poem "Die Wünschelrute" - The Witching Rod -

    "Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
    die da träumen fort und fort,
    und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
    triffst du nur das Zauberwort.

    thank you! :-)

  6. I love your caption under the hill with the deer on it. Cute.

  7. That would be a sweet cup to drink from.

  8. There is just something special about a "cup and saucer" for a warm cup of coffee. Makes you want to relax, take a moment from the hussle of life to sit and think, read a book or an article, just relax with the aroma of coffee.

    Nicep pictures and effects...:)

  9. Rich reds, lush tulips, feminine cups and saucers....I think this is my favorite post this week Merisi. LOVE these reds!!

  10. Well, they all merge in a delicious post! I love the red tulip--so rich and lush. The cup's so refined and elegant, and the wall is so weathered and beautifully aged.

  11. This is my favourite place to visit whenever I have a cup of coffee (even before retiring for the night...I can go right to sleep afterwards). Your photos are a breath of fresh air, Merisi.


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