Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 27 March 2009

Stormy Weather

The Neptune Fountain
Schönbrunn Palace Gardens

Roman Ruins
Reflecting Pool

Hooded Statues
Stoically braving the weather

Black Bird
Looking for spring?

Accidental Tourist
Under-Umbrella Photography
Taking it all in

The Accidental Tourist's Target
Schönbrunn Palace
in the morning of
March 26, 2009


Clicking on
any of the first four images
will lead you to Schönbrunn
on sunnier days


  1. Ah Ha! So that's where we got the stormy weather from!!!
    But no one looks like that here...
    Too always!

  2. Merisi, your photos never cease to amaze me. You have a wonderful way of "seeing" pictures in your mind before you take them with your camera ... and that is a God-given talent.

    Excellent work, my friend!

  3. brilliant!

  4. Hello Merisi,

    Those skies and the stormy lighting give such drama, and a certain elegance, to these photographs.

    It is hard to pick a favorite from amongst this post. Every picture is a gem. Your words shine as always.


  5. What a dramatic sky! I like the picture with the lonely tourist hiding under an umbrella.

  6. Hi Merisi -
    That photo of the Reflecting Pool has to be one of my all time favorites. The reflexion forms almost a shell shape which gives it a rococo feel. Gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you have sun.

  7. Your pictures are extraordinary. I especially like the picture of the Roman Ruins Reflecting Pool. The stormy sky adds power.

  8. Lovely shots, as always - and while you look towards summer here the first autumn rains have just begun to fall.

  9. Thanks for visiting my SWF post and your kind words you left about my photo. I took extra time and looked through some of your past posts. You have an excellent blog. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Just out of view in the last photo is the Rudolfsheim Pfarrkirche (a bit of a favourite of mine).

  11. Painted skies, and stormy weather... :-)

  12. Love your storm drama. it certainly makes a beautiful backdrop.
    I think my favorite is the blackbird on the statue hand. its fascinating.
    Have a wonderfu weekend Merisi.

  13. Stunning pictures Merisi!
    That Carrion Crow has a comfortable perch. I don't think that spring can be far away now!

  14. Ah...spring showers...Love the reflecting pool....Michelle

  15. Love these statues with this sky on the backgroung. Looks so dramatic

  16. Marble statutes have always been a favourite with me, and these are no exception. Wonderful, Merisi!

  17. Ich liebe Schönbrunn!
    I really like to go to Auer-Welsbach-Park with my son on sundays too... it´s really nice!
    I love your blog :)
    Liebe Grüße!

  18. The water and the sky in these photos makes them extremely lovely.

  19. The Roman Ruins look like the garden of eden!
    The Black Bird is a beautiful shot.
    That is one of my favorite images.
    It looks so real!


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