Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Does Anybody Know Where Spring is Hanging Out?

Up by the Pond
Baumgartner Höhe

Recreational area of the
Otto Wagner Hospital and Care Center Steinhof
14th District

Baumgartner Höhe
Looking towards the 13th District

Baumgartner Höhe
Beyond the trees,
at the edge of the hospital complex,
beckons the dome of Otto Wagner's spendid
Art Nouveau church Kirche am Steinhof
- also named St. Leopold's -
finished in the year 1907.

Just another snow day
in March in
this beautiful city of Vienna!

Poor primrose!
in the morning hours
Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Clicking on the first
three images will
transport you further into Vienna
while clicking on the
SkyWatch icon below

takes you straight to
Sky Watch Friday Headquarters

from where you can journey on to visit
hundreds of skies around the world!


  1. Typical March weather, warm and sunny one day, snow the next but Vienna always stays beautiful.

  2. I guess the spring is somewhere in the sun, with a nice exotic drink in its hand :))

  3. I hope spring will stay as long a winter has this year. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Merisi
    Beautiful pictures.
    Vienna is a lovely place


  5. It's stretching it's new wings here in South Louisiana

  6. Sometimes where you live doesn't look much different to where I live Merisi.

  7. I love the picture of all that mistletoe in the willow tree in the pond!

    Maybe spring is not so far!

  8. Great pictures are some consolation for winter dragging it's heels. Love all the pictures but the first is special...all that mistletoe.

  9. The photos are wonderful of the quiet time before the melt begins. Each day a little warmer than the last, and soon the leaves and flowers will poke above the soil's surface.

  10. If you check out my Décolleté blog, you'll start to feel pretty darn happy about your spring weather!

  11. It was feeling like spring here in East Texas, and then the past couple of days, it has been cold. I'm ready for spring to come back! Great photos!

  12. I think Spring is playing a game of hide and seek with you. Its lurking just behind the trees. Soon very soon it will be found.
    Nice photos as always.

  13. Great shots Merisi, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  14. Really lovely captures, Merisi! Know you must be as ready for spring and blue, warm skies as we are here in Seattle! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  15. I'm having trouble finding spring too! However, your "late winter" photos are lovely. ;-)

  16. And for a change we don't have snow here in Buffalo NY...Michelle

  17. That is a very unique bush in the first pic. Great photo! Spring is slowly coming here in Michigan. Still dead, brown and gloomy out.

  18. It is hanging here, just. I like your winter leaving images like icing sugar on a cake.

  19. Well, I have to say, it is hanging out with us here. Our tulips are up! If it's any consolation, though, we're having 4 solid days of dreary rain right now. Hope that helps you feel better! Your pictures are beautiful, though!

  20. Spring has sprung (finally) here in Southeast Missouri, USA - I'll send spring wishes your way, though!!! Great shots!!!

  21. I have been catching up on your travel photos! Thank you so much for sharing don't know how they lift my spirits when I have been looking at the same old thing day in and day out. Sometimes I am just speechless - can't even stop to comment because I can't express how much they mean to me! Thanks, Merisi! Hope spring arrives tout de suite. It looks cold there. But Easter is coming!

  22. I love Otto Wagner's architecture.

  23. We are keeping Spring to ourselves!
    You will just have to wait a bit...

  24. Grey but it makes for a wonderful photo especially the one with the dome.

  25. Yes, where!? Here the same, cold and nasty. But soon they promise warmer days. Lets hope.

  26. I am wondering the same thing. Beautiful photos!

  27. Not here, looks exactly the same but without the beautiful statues:)))


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