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Wednesday, 10 September 2008

In the Mood

Drunken Chestnuts
Dancing on an upside-down
Lopsided Champagne glass


  1. I love these chestnut pictures! They are the perfect symbol of fall...the color and texture. Cute title! :)

  2. Ooh yum, two posts worth of chestnuts! Nothing better than roasted chestnuts as autumn's chill starts to descend. I seem to recall that the Hungarians do a very nice chestnut dessert though for the moment the name escapes me.

  3. WOW!
    Fall with a BANG!!!
    Love thsi chestnut shot :)

  4. What a beautiful Blake poem which I hadn't read before.
    Thank you!

  5. These really are beautiful fall images--the sheen on those chestnuts is just exquisite! Love the textures.

  6. Amazing clarity.
    Reminding me that there is a definite "art" to roasting these things. Because one Christmas, my family butchered a goodly amount of perfectly good and innocent chestnuts.... they were all mushy.
    We overdid it.
    Proper chestnutting is an art!
    Your photos only confirm the fact!

  7. Our chestnuts outer shells look different from these - ours are really hairy and spiky.
    I'm a big chestnut fan - raw, boiled, roasted, microwaved - love 'em and I only came to them later in life. We didn't even know what they were in tropical Queensland where I grew up - although we were very familiar with Macadamias !!!!

  8. But these are horse chestnuts, are they not? And not the same as the sweet chestnuts mentioned, which do come in spikier, softer cases. It is a delightful image though, edible or not!

  9. Great close-up - truly autumn photo!


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