Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Summer in the City

Keep a Cool Head!
Berger's bookstore
At Kohlmarkt

A Shady Hideaway
Finding respite at

Alfresco at Demel's
Lingering in the shade,
Watching the world go by.

Hiding Away
With a Wiener Schnitzel,
at Demel's, in the Rauchsalon.
(You don't want that translated,
do you?)

Meanwhile, Upstairs
Iced coffee, anyone?
Mit Schlag?
A Demelinerin
Treating you like royalty,
With perfect service.

Heissenberger's Tea & Coffee
Right across from Demel's.
Oh, the choices!
Decisions. Decisions!

In the Shade
In the early afternoon's heat,
Who wouldn't want to linger after lunch
With a coffee shakerato at Meinl's Café?
Am Graben

A Green Oasis
And a cool drink in

Mrs. Santa Claus
Climate change?
Red Tartan's still the rage!

Pistacchio Ice Cream
Heavenly flavour,
Captured by Demel's pâtissiers.

Let's Hit the Beach!
Jeweller's at Naglergasse.
Where else?

Yes, it's still summer
around here
Photographed yesterday
during lunch hour.


  1. I googled it. Turns out not as bad as I thought it might be...

  2. There's nothing better than dining al fresco! A cool drink in the shade, watching the world pass by. Wish there was more of that here in the states. THANK YOU for the photo of the schnitzel...I've been waiting to see schnitzel show up in your photos....Vienna makes the TASTIEST schnitzel EVER!! :)
    Happy Thursday...

  3. Seattle Boy,
    *smile* it depends. I prefer to dine without (Rauchsalon = Smoking Parlour).

    I agree (and did so for lunch today!).
    Here is another Wiener Schnitzel, bon appetit! ;-)

  4. those were some fabulous outdoor cafe shots. I love the little rhinos at the end all set for an afternoon at the beach, too! Great photos--you do make it all look so enticing.

  5. Ich kenne eine Frau, die früher eine Demelinerin war. Das war fast so eine Prestige Sache. Perfektes Hochdeutsch und ausgezeichnete Umgangsformen waren die erste Voraussetzung. Das Trinkgeld, erzählt sie, war königlich :-)

  6. Wonderful cafe pix! And that ice cream looks heavenly!!

  7. My sister keeps telling me we need to do to Vienna. I think I have to visit just so I can go to Demels!

  8. Your fun sense of humor is showing itself delightfully.

  9. The size of that schnitzel ;-)

    Yum...but be honest, only room for that *or* the torte...choices,choices!



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