Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 29 August 2008

Dahlias in the Morning Dew

In a Sea of Dahlias
Found in the Lower Austrian countryside
Half an hour east of Vienna

Pick Your Own Flowers
Driving along Austrian country roads,
one often finds fields with cutting flowers,
ready to be picked, be it a single stem,
or an armload.
At the edge of the field,
there's usually a table
with a list of prices and
you are expected to pay based on the trust system.

Once I found a table with a small basket filled with
dozens of coins,
so you could help yourself to change.
A stone was placed inside,
keeping a stack of bills from flying away.
It made my day.

Thank you for your visit and your encouragement!
A wonderful weekend to you all!

And yes, go ahead,
and click yourself
through each and every image



  1. what a heavenly coral color!

  2. You would have enjoyed the scene,
    the morning mist still lingering,
    the sun eager to drink the last dew drops from the flower petals.

  3. To a dear email writer:
    You are one naughty girl,
    of course I did not take the money!
    It was the thought that somebody trusts fellow human beings to the point of risking somebody taking off with the day's earnings, and that this wonderful human being got rewarded! :-)))

    A wonderful day to you!

  4. I love dahlias. These are beautiful. I would like to grow some of the dinner plate size dahlias in my garden

  5. Eileen,
    Dahlias are gorgeous flowers, indeed!
    A great-aunt of mine grows dozens of varieties, I loved to wander amongst them when I was little.
    I like your new avatar, the one with the cup and saucer. :-)

  6. There are some small vegetable stands in Maine that still operate on the honor system. There is something awe inspiring about their faith in man-kind. This si the first I had heard of a pick-your-own flower field :) What a wonderful concept!

  7. Hexe,

    as you say, these working honor-systems proof that it does pay to have faith in mankind! ;-)

    These flower fields (and beds, some are quite small) are really interesting, offering fresh flowers throughout the seasons, starting with daffodils in the spring, then gladiolas, sunflowers, and so on.

    I know of at least one vegetable stand where they sell big sacks of potatoes!

  8. I found it interesting that you entitled your top picture "In a sea..." for the rolled, tubular nature of the petals on that flower reminded me of a sea anemone in a rock pool.

  9. Seattle boy,
    I can see what you mean!

    Looks as if you spend a lot of time not only on the Seven Seas, but also under them! In a yellow submarine, perchance, or something, to admire the depths of those seas?

  10. Dahlias are the perfect cut flower. We have many stands out in the countryside with 'on your honor' system. MB

  11. Merisi, yes I have a nautical family history - "salt in my blood" as you might say. I am scarcely more happy than when on the water. However I have never trained as a frogman, I can only admire to the depths that I can personally swim and hold my breath, and of course stare into the rock pools when the tide ebbs. I would never make a pearl fisher!

  12. Small City Scenes,
    I agree, and remember how the blossoms in my great-aunts vase still looked quite fetching, while the stems were already rotting away, giving the water a foul smell. ;-)
    (Haven't thought of this in years! *smile*)

    Seattle Boy,
    I hope you manage to shoot a picture or two to post on your blog. You must encounter quite stunning seascapes!

  13. What a vibrant, coral color! And I agree, the first photo DOES look like a sea gave it the perfect title. Wish we could grow these beautiful flowers easily in the hot, Texas sun. They are such showy flowers and look wonderful in an old, ceramic pitcher or a giant, glass vase. Have a lovely weekend.

  14. Oooh, gorgeous blooms. Almost orange.

  15. Those are just stunning flowers. And the color is spectacular! Have a wonderful weekend in your beautiful Vienna!

  16. Allie,
    I didn't know that Dahlias do not take the heat too well.
    A happy weekend to you too,
    you must be tired after the stress of the first days of school

    Charles Gramlich,
    that Dahlia field had mostly red and pink blooming ones, but I really fell for these coral toned ones.

    "My" Sue?
    Oh gosh, you make me long for your beautiful garden I had for so many years the joy of looking into! :-)

  17. The combination of extreme heat and little water have made it tough for me to grow dahlias around here. Now if my mom tried it down at the lake, they would flourish......everything grows in her soil! In the meantime, I'll just enjoy the "virtual flowers" you provide almost every day :)

  18. There is a woman just down the block who does the same thing. All summer long she puts a large container of cut flowers on the curb with a box for money. The dahlias are in it right now as well.

  19. Allie,
    I am not sure if it is the humidity, but in the Washington DC area, Dahlia's are not very common either.
    Have you thought about giving your mother a few Dahlia tubers ("the gift that grows" *g*)?

    TLC Illustrations,
    I have seen this in small villages around Vienna too. It is a wonderful way to share one's bounty, isn't it?


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