Coffee, anyone?

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Summer in the City

How to Beat the Heat?
Moving up?

Or laying down
in the cool grass,
in front of Theseus' Temple?

Only Suggestions!
Various positions,
all apt to cool you down!
Recommended reading:
Christoph Ransmayr's
"The Terrors of Ice and Darkness"
An arctic winter tale,
on a hot July afternoon,
oh frigid heavens!

Talking about
Penguins and ships trapped in ice?

Or would you rather
sit down on a green Rose Bench,
under rows and rows of roses?

Reading under the influence
of rose fragrance?

This being Vienna,
you may hide under
deep shade trees and
behind bushes,
and .... read!
What else?

This being Vienna,
you do not have to deprive yourself
of creature comforts either!
Another Iced Coffee, perchance?
Yes, the house on the roof,
the Rose Garden,
the Theseus Temple,
and this temple to the Viennese way of life,
the Volksgarten's Pavillon,
are all within sight of each other
This is also "Culture" State of the Art!

Under the Arcades of City Hall
Refuge for tired wanderers

City Hall Square
Some people are working.
Very hard.
In the heat of the afternoon,
into the night!

I am taking off!

See you,
and a cool weekend to you all!

Photographed this past Wednesday
Some of the pictures will reveal
more Viennese images
when click upon.


  1. That first picture of a house on the roof looks as though it landed their in some gigantic flood.

    We will be having a cool weekend here in England. It's raining again and is forecast for the weekend.

  2. Anonymous05 July, 2008

    Ah, Summer in Wien. Magical,even in sweltering heat.

    Iced coffee in the Volksgarten, a slim book of Rilke to hand, the scent of roses in the air....

    and here in Oxford it rains.

    Thanks Merisi for such beautiful and tempting observations.

  3. How warm is it in Vienna right now? A cool weekend in Dallas is anything below 100.......hopefully it won't cross that mark until next week!

  4. Love the picture of the guy reading outside at the cafe. Makes me long for Europe.

  5. All hail to the "hot" readers! Books are so darn sexy you must admit! Great post! :-)
    Hope you had a nice 4th. It was lovely to get your comment. You always make me smile!

  6. Anonymous05 July, 2008

    Everywhere would be better than moving up to the white hut!
    I would prefere among the roses with abook :-)

  7. Anonymous05 July, 2008

    Looking at these photos have made me feel very cool, indeed. ;-)


  8. *Why* is there a hut/shed thingy on the top of that building? (it looks so very odd)

  9. Anonymous06 July, 2008

    The photos on your blog are really beautiful. I enjoyed myself visit it and will surely return again.

    Have a good weekend. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Alex's World! -

  10. Oh, I could do with some chilling out from the summer sun - right now I'm suffering far too much rain, cold and grey! I shall have to live vicariously through your gorgeous images!

  11. Oh reading in the shade with an iced coffee, in a vienese park!
    I dream to be here and to see you photographing!!
    Brilliant billet one more time,

    Noah's Viennese Outlet! ;-)

    You are welcome!
    These images are still from my one and a half hour break I took on Wednesday afternoon. One wouldn't believe how many people are reading books in cafes and parks!
    I hope the weather gods have brought you sunshine by now.

    Temperatures are hovering around eighty. There have been days with high humidity, right now it's dry and sunny again, 80°F, after a nice cooling down yesterday. Nights are very pleasant still.
    I hope you do get relief every now and then! ;-)

    It is quite a change from my old watering whole at the Firehook Bakery on Pennsylvania Avenia, in Capital Hill area of DC! There people tend to read the politics and business section, even though the Library of Congress is just across the street. ;-)

    I share your opinion about those book readers, they warm my heart, every time I see one. :-)

    Oh, I understand.
    Happened to me too, even though I had no time to stop for a cool nice break. ;-)

    The view would be great from up there, though! :-)

    There's restauration work going on up there. Click on the photo, it will take you to a previous post of mine, where I wrote more about it. ;-)

    Thank you!

  14. Absolute Vanilla (& Atyllah):
    Please enjoy yourself, as often and as much as you'd like! ;-)

    Merci! :-)
    I hope you do make it to Vienna in the near future!

  15. The old and the new mingle and blend so perfectly in Vienna. The architecture is a feast for the eyes. So many people is obviously a very cultured could it not be, with all the Viennese history?

  16. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    Good Morning from Mississippi! Hope you have a great week. Keep up the good work here!


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