Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 13 June 2008

Where Dreams Come True

Shades of Pink
Roses grace an entryway at Kohlmarkt,
against the gold and verdigris of Michaelertor's cupola.

Do you remember the quaint morning scenes
of yesterday's "Before the Storm" post?
Well, they worked like a charm,
for me, that is.

Like a Gregorian chant's
Syllabic verses forming into arches,
those breakfast scenes along my path
built up a desire to give in,
and join the morning rites.

I began fantasizing
about a perfect cup of coffee,

At Demel's,
a few steps down the street!
I had bravely passed at least half a dozen Kaffeehäuser,
and when rounding the corner from Naglergasse to Graben,
literally smelling the coffee at Meinl's outdoor terrace,
I turned straight right,
and headed towards Kohlmarkt

Rushing by Chanel's Boutique
I gave but a cursory glance at the Little Black Dress,
accompanied by a touch of Tea Rose.
Oh well, tired of white or ivory,
I have worn accessories in that shade of pink
more than a year ago,

and besides, I was in serious get-me-coffee-now
mode by then!

Die Demelinerin
About the only waitress
who can serve you in black and white
with such grace and dignity,
without exuding an air of servility.

What, No Guglhupf?
No problem,
I eat Guglhupf only at Charlotte's,
or my mother's!

Mile High Cheesecake?
No, thank you,
and no cream filled mille-feuille either!

Petit Fours?
Pretty to look at,
but really,
they are for the faint of heart,
don't you agree

Cherry Strudel
I nod with a smile.
No better Apple Rhubarb Sour Cherry Strudel

Melange with Cherry Strudel
Ah, Demel's,
where dreams come true!

All of the images above captured
yesterday morning
K. u. K Hofzuckerbäcker

Kohlmarkt 14

The Really Important Stuff
Austria and Switzerland

Results so far:
Switzerland : Czech Republic 0:1
Portugal : Turkey 2:0
Austria : Croatia 0:1
Germany : Poland 2:0
Romania : France 0:0
Netherlands : Azzurri 3:0
Spain : Russia 4:1
Sweden : Greece 2:0
Portugal : Czech Republic 3:1
Turkey : Switzerland 2:1
Croatia : Germany 2:1
Austria : Poland 1:1

Some of the pictures
reveal more Viennese scenes,


  1. Does Vienna have a sad side? For all the loveliness you present it seems to be a fairytale kind of place.

  2. Those photos are just gorgeous. They stimulate a big sigh.. and hunger! ;)

  3. A lovely, cream-filled, poofy dream! I feel transported . . .

  4. Another lovely post that sets off all of my desires for the better things in life...hmmmm..

  5. Something like this , you mean?

  6. Pink Carnations and Breakfast Dishes..

    I like the interesting items you present on your blog Merisi, including the introduction and picture of the lady who serves you with such grace and dignity.:)

  7. Hmmm...this all looks so wonderful, and I had drunk half that coffee before I realized it was on the screen and not in my hand...and Cherry strudle, oh yes yes and yes...such beautiful work...I just love your photography as you know, but the words make them so much more!

  8. Love love that still life all lined up...
    Coulda done without the socer numbers :(
    but everything else is divinely YUMMY
    I used to put yr BIG images up at work on the desktop and they stayed for ages.

  9. I think your cafe table pictures are some of my favorites. I just adore picture number two! Was it taken at Schwarze Kamel?

  10. Hummm! I would like to go to Demel, taste this Cherry Strudel!

  11. Are the women in Vienna on diet ???
    If I come one day , I have to loose weight before to come !
    I understand why we say in french : viennoiseries

  12. Roses,roses everywhere in June and not to mention the great looking coffee and confectionery.

  13. Anonymous20 June, 2008

    Loved your first pic....the angle. And yeah that Cherry strudel evokes "To die for" sentiment !!

    Tk care ~

  14. Anonymous21 June, 2008

    As usual, beautiful roses. yum to that cherry strudel. Double yum!


  15. Nice cameo of Viennese life Merissi

  16. Not for the first time, I sit drooling on my sofa and dreaming of cherry strudel and dainty coffee for the rest of the day I will visit Vienna, and I will be a streak of human lightning as I head straight for the glorious coffee houses! Thank you for these lovely daydreams, my impatience at not having visited Vienna as of yet is at least partly satiated by coming over here! Thanks Merisi. Love, AKR.

  17. Oh, how I love your pictures. I wish I was there again and we could sit at Demels for hours and just chat.
    Maybe in the spring.

  18. We were hooked on Euro, though most people were disappointed by the poor performance of the national team. Then we didn't lose by 3 or 4 goals as other teams did, so that's not too bad.
    Still, I love Euro!

  19. I so want some of that cherry strudel..


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