Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 2 May 2008

Viennese Encounters

Hans Hollein's Haas House
St. Stephen's Square

Palm Trees and Grabenhof
Grabenhof by Otto Wagner and Otto Thienemann
Habsburgergasse and Graben

Franek Historical Luminaires

Restaurant Imperial
Kärtner Ring 15

Soup's Being Served
Hotel Imperial
Kärntner Ring 15

Backhausen Interior Textiles
Wiener Werkstätte Art Deco
Museum and Fabrics
Mahlerstraße 14/1/3

World's Best Rhubarb Strudel
Demel's K. & K. Hofzuckerbäckerei
Royal and Imperial Confectioners
Kohlmarkt 14

with Nougatbonbons
Chocolate Hearts with
Nougat Center

Demel's. Where else?

Lunchtime Encounters
Musikverein to Minoritenplatz


  1. Love the angel! I hope she can fly well if those supports get rusty ;-)

  2. So beautiful, Merisi!

  3. MAALIE:
    I bet she takes off as soon as dusk falls! ;-)

    Dankeschön! ;-)
    Es war aber auch ein wunderschöner Tag gestern, nicht wahr?

  4. Anonymous03 May, 2008

    Looks like a beautiful day there. Love especially the photo with the angel.


  5. mmmmmmm..chocolate! that picture makes me want to reach in and grab a piece! wonder if it's too early for a slice of chocolate cake? (dessert from last night) thanks, sugar! always a visual feast! xoxxox

  6. Ja, es war ein wunderschöner Tag! Unser Tag war grün, wir waren bei Hainfeld im Alpenvorland: blühende Apfelbäume, kräftiges Frühlingsgrün im Buchenwald, wilder Knoblauch...
    Verfolge deine Posts mit großem Interesse, nicht nur weil sie so außengewöhnlich schön und stilvoll sind, sodern auch, weil du so oft an Plätzen vorbeikommst, wo ich auch gerade erst warst - z.B. in der Ballgasse gassi mit meinem Hund ;)...
    Alles Liebe, Maria

  7. PAZ:
    Bussi! *smile*
    I wonder if you are "under the influence" of that Viennese Kaffeehaus in NY. ;-)

    Thank goodness, I did not read the sign when I photographed it! I break for the combination of chocolate and nougat. ;-)
    (That rhubarb strudle though, that was mine.)

  8. MARIA:
    My Maxie would be so jealous, I never take him there! I did stop for coffee at the SchokoLadenWerkstatt. Where else does one get such excellent coffee, with a choice piece of handmade chocolate praline one the side, all for 2 Euros? ;-)

  9. holy moly, I think I actually understand the German in the comments here!

    Anyways, what's the deal with the palm trees? I could have bypassed Hawai'i completely and just gone to Europe?

  10. OH MAJOR YUM ! can I ever eat my turkey chilli from The Soup Spot now :(

  11. Why are foreign typefaces so magical and evocative.
    I found the name Merisi in the Antonio Tucchino book I'm reading.
    Thank you for recommending it.

  12. It looks like a lovely day. Could the chocolate hearts be any more tempting?

  13. another wonderful post, you seem to have a lot of time taking beautiful pictures, i am envious !

  14. I understand that you cannot take Maxie with you... (so I am right that Maxie is a dog?)
    Our dog Dora stole a Zotter truffles cream chokolate bar from the table once, and since that she is addicted...
    I will try SchokoLadenWerkstatt next time - sounds delicious! Didn't know about it, the dog always turns right into Blumenstockgasse to snoop under the Heurigen tables... ;)

  15. Brian in Oxford:
    Chapeau! :-)
    There are palm trees in Hawaii? ;-)

    @ Paris Breakfasts;
    I may have moved from that other "Nation's Capital", but not to the boondocks! ;-)

    @ Elizabeth:
    Are you reading Antonio Tabucchi's Lissabon book?

    @ Allie:
    Very tempting indeed, a miracle I didn't buy one (all I was thinking was getting my forks on one of their fabulous rhubarb strudels *g*).

  16. @ Freefalling:
    Franek is an angel who restores old luminaires and brings them into the present (hint: click on the picture and you'll get his website).

    @ M.Kate:
    I simply have my camera with me at all times. My pictures capture moments in time, they are quick snapshots, I do not aim for perfection.

    @ Maria:
    You need to stop at SchokoLadenWerkstatt! Fabulous chocolates, and great coffee at that little table in front of the store.

  17. Merisi, one thing I have noticed from your pictures, is that everything in Vienna is done with such incredible style.
    Some of our establishments here could take a few lesson from your city


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